Cannes Lions


VOLONTAIRE, Stockholm / BJORN BORG / 2012







We involved Björn and John in designing a limited collection each with earnings going to charity. We launched it at Wimbledon and the battle for the most sold underwear could begin. We used digital technology to bring Björn and John to life again. We created two mirror social experiment films, featuring Björn and John's legendary opposite personalities. One was calm and collected, the other fierce and furious. Showing the films apart online only to create an 'aha-feeling' when fitting them perfectly together. The perfect double in moving image - it created an impressive viral buzz online. To push the social aspect and to create a topic of conversation we created a social experiment via a Facebook Connect functionality that enabled you to find your perfect match by taking a visual-based psychology test . The winners won a trip to New York to meet the legends.


Björn Love John went global with a gigantic splash and earned media of over €7,000,000 resulting in a 700% ROI for the whole campaign. It was editorially featured on the following, to name a few, media outlets: Eurosport, CBS, NBC, FOX, Washington Post, USA Today, The Telegraph, CNN, Vogue, Reuters.

The viral films received over 2,000,000 unique views in total and the campaign page was visited 500,000 times by visitors from 134 countries. Over 30,000 people took the test that generated over 1,000,000 social impressions.

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