
Unemme (Our Dream) - IKEA creates art from Finnish dreams.

20/20 , Helsinki / IKEA / 2020

Presentation Image
Case Film






Sleep is a vital component of every person’s overall health and well-being. The goal of the campaign is to encourage Finns to sleep better and to pay attention to a sufficient amount and quality of sleep. A better everyday life starts with a good night’s sleep. The idea behind UNEMME is to bring people in Finland together and give everybody a chance to create something beautiful from their dreams together.


One of the key drivers in sleeping campaign is to attract people to participate in an experience that gathers data from across Finland and lets people to see their dreams affect real-time an collective and calming dream visualization provided by IKEA. A completely new way of visualising data by combining real-time graphics from game engine, web technology, streaming and consumer participation. Real- time generated visualization changes according to the sleep data and the rhythm of actual time of the day: dawn, daylight, dusk and night. The artwork transforms its shapes, colors, movement and behaviour based on the amount of data inserted by participants, in other words it is an generative entity of its own which transforms constantly.


IKEA’s campaign site worked as the main hub for the whole campaign. From there we gathered the data during the campaign, showcased the evolving real-time dream visualization, showcased the sleeping range products and provided sleep information. The evolving visualization that lived in the campaign site transformed the users sleep habit into a slightly abstract structure that represented the users sleep rhythm. The real time visualization reflected the way Finnish people sleep but you could also see the full data on how Finns sleep in general or also your own area data.


The IKEA Unemme campaign collected all together 83623 hours of sleep, including unique 11065 amount of sleep data and 8787 people joining the contest. The average amount of sleep during the campaign was 7,6 hours. People were able to see also how their own city were sleeping during the campaign. People spent on average 1:45 minutes in the campaign page and there was in total of 24283 pageviews. 68 % of people felt rested and 72 % of people saw dreams.

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