Cannes Lions

UNESCO Green Citizens

UNESCO, Paris / UNESCO / 2021

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In each of its actions on sustainable development, UNESCO actively engages governments and plays a role in incubating local projects in 1,000 natural sites concerning: Biodiversity, Oceans, Hydrology, Education for sustainable development, Indigenous and local knowledge. Its programs help to change minds regarding the environment we all share and to put pressure on political, economic and social behaviours. This evolution, following the « 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development », implies the sharing of common values such as cooperation, respect of diversity, intergenerational solidarity and creativity in the way world citizens respond to environmental challenges.

UNESCO launched the Green Citizens initiative to amplify the voice of some 100 local citizen projects worldwide in key domains of biodiversity and sustainable development, including the Ocean, Water/Hydrology, Education for sustainable development, Indigenous and local knowledge.


The UNESCO GREEN CITIZENS platform has been imagined to be a privileged place for bringing the strengths of local initiatives to the global level.

Adveris UX experts and digital art directors worked together to image 2 types of entries through a interactive map geolocalising projects and a choice of themes like Biodiversity, Education for Sustainable Development, Hydrology, etc.

The platform allows anyone who wants to learn about existing initiatives and actions of related to Climate Change to explore the issue through different means : the exchange of experiences, videos, interviews, etc. It brings together all stakeholders in Climate Change solutions. They are able to discover, exchange and thus create a real community. Networking and partnership opportunities are fostered on the platform by the idea that people developing a local and sustainable project for the planet can be directly contacted through the platform.


The target audience encompasses all stakeholders in Climate Change solutions and sustainable development in general. Visitors come for different reasons:

- Teachers, trainers, students, Young People, Biosphere Reserves Inhabitants, Indigenous People: Share their projects and experiences and fulfill their roles in sustainable development as citizens and Know how to turn ideas into practices by learning from existing practices, contacting project leaders, and replicate effective environmental models and initiatives

- Education NGOs / Associations / Foundations / Enterprises: Learn about UNESCO's role in sustainable development and Support and Participate in good practices in the field

- Media: Get a good knowledge of what people nowadays have done to achieve sustainable development at a global level and Spread the message

To meet the objectives and the needs of the target audience, Adveris UX experts have work to make the the website clear, easy to use and attractive.


Before contacting Adveris, UNESCO worked during more than a year to prepare the sourcing of the projects and to transform a smart idea into a concrete collaborative project.

Adveris noticed that the project was exactly in its ESG mindset and decided to work for UNESCO probono in order to support this programme that would not have been launched without its support.

The platform federates a wide community based on engaged networks. It contains UNESCO inputs and information but also gather committed citizens: scientists, bloggers, journalists, partners, media experts, influencers etc. That's why Adveris worked on a user centric approach to be sure that each profile would find exactly what it needs. Due to COVID we ran a lot of online workshops to synchronize the way we perceived the platform.

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