Spikes Asia

Unforgettable Bag

GREY MALAYSIA, Kuala Lumpur / TESCO / 2018


1 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Images






About 1 TRILLION plastic bags are made every year – almost all of them are single use. Millions of tons of plastics waste washed into oceans yearly, killing all sorts of sea creatures.

Yet, despite a decade of “No plastic bags on Saturday” policy, getting consumer to pay RM 0.20 for each bag, huge news stories and mass awareness - Malaysia still uses around 9 Billion bags per year.

According to Tesco Data only an average of 5% of shoppers brought their own bags - especially for unplanned and spontaneous shoppers.

With no significant signals of behavioral change, the problem cannot be addressed with established techniques of awareness or guilt. With only 10,000USD budget at hand, how can we convince millions of shoppers to re-use their bags when it’s just too convenient to pick them up at the store?


Sold for 50 cents, the bag has an unlimited rebate of 20 cents. So users only have to re-use three times to be actually making a profit from their positive behaviour. The bags are made of recyclable material, replaced for free when worn out and recycled into new bags.

Central to the design is a voucher barcode that is integrated into an animal shape - those most at risk from plastics in the ocean, forming an attractive and very distinctive pattern.

The Fish, Turtle and Whale - were extended as campaign characters throughout the store on multiple POS materials - Posters, Aprons, Checkout Banners, scanner wraps. At launch, an animated film, in our distinctive design style, helped launch the concept worldwide.

Rapidly deployed Nationwide, the initial run of 500,000 bags sold out in record time. A new batch has been ordered and the design will be used across all re-usable bag formats from Q4 2018.

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