Cannes Lions



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Online hate speech is a rampant problem that continues to spread toxicity and negativity across digital spaces. It violates human rights, creates an environment of hostility, and can even incite violence. It is crucial to address this issue and promote a more considerate and respectful online interaction that fosters unity and diversity. Especially in these times, it is more important than ever that we treat each other with respect and support fruitful communication.

We took a proactive stance by looking for a new way to use technology for a better cause. The result is this immersive experience that sets an example for the meaningful use of technology.


#UNHATE BY ARTISTIC INTELLIGENCE is an artistic intervention to counter the ubiquity of hate in digital spaces. With the help of artificial intelligence, a real online hate speech is transformed into aesthetic works of art, thus depriving them of their toxicity. Three artistic intelligences were developed, each one opens up a different aesthetic world:

In the "playful" approach of our #UNHATE Experience, the AI deconstructs the language of hate by moving through the hate post word by word, undergoing an aesthetic transformation. The AI behind the "mindful" mode models the process of nature's cellular growth, dissolving hate one pixel at a time. The third mode, "progressive," transforms hate into abstract sculptural artworks driven by an AI that uses the original hate post as input to define various visual parameters.

The resulting #UNHATE visuals could be published in response to the original hate post.


Our strategy for #UNHATE involved targeting a range of different audiences, including those who may have been victims of hate speech and those who may have perpetuated it in the past. By using a creative approach to address the issue of hate speech, we were able to break through to these audiences in a way that traditional messaging may not have been capable of.


The final idea for this installation was realized within 5 months from concept to the premiere in Barcelona. Several tests and training of the algorithm were necessary to achieve the desired result, whereby thousands of online hate speeches were identified.

The Mobile World Congress in Barcelona was then the perfect platform due to its significant presence of both technology leaders and enthusiasts. The event brings together professionals from various industries and countries, providing an ideal platform for the presentation of innovative technological advancements aimed at shaping the future. In recent times, there has been an increasing call for more responsible and ethical use of technology to mitigate negative impacts on society, such as the proliferation of hate speech in digital spaces. Companies and individuals can showcase their commitment to create a better future for all.

The installation itself was subsequently used for smaller events in Germany.


With over 90k visitors the MWC is one of the biggest fairs for international technology leaders. Addressing critical topics at such a global event generates significant awareness and discourse. It helps to understand the importance of responsible technology use and to act accordingly.

The war against the Ukraine started shortly before the initial launch of the #UNHATE experience at WMC. Deutsche Telekom decided to immediately stop all social media postings on all their channels—incl. the reposts of the #UNHATE art pieces on Twitter.

We wanted to give you this context, because it explains, why there can be only several #UNHATE reposts be found online.

Nevertheless, the installation and the creative approach led to a new perception and understanding of the brand that takes a stance on important social issues. #UNHATE is highly relevant for new consumer awareness given the projects innovative approach address urgent and compelling issues.

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