Cannes Lions

The Magenta Experience Center


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When it comes to retail, the association that was common so far relates to numbers, prices, discounts, special sales!

We may got used to it, but are certainly looking for real values.

We are starving for a new personalised, honest, smart, joyful and meaningful experience.

We seek for a brand that is not only offering products on price that money can buy, but more importantly solutions to reach our goals or just simply give us an inspiration.

Our aim is to build an inspiring retail experience that fosters engagement with the brand and connects to all our physical and digital brand touch point.

Staying connected with our customers, especially now in the pandemic times, our strength and solution is in combining virtual and physical events, workshops, sessions.

We can only connect to brands that show a real value for us.


In 2020, Deutsche Telekom with T-Mobile Czech Republic decided to create a space that is focusing on a new experience approach:

a new contemporary communication to wider generations, a possibility for mental releasing and enable innovative solutions.

Our cookbook included the following ingredients: warm invitation, personalised service, co-creation, co-working, co-play, events, education, arts.

Our very aim: connect GenZ, mid agers and silver society, support diversity and inclusion, drive sustainability.

We created a pioneer concept: the Magenta Experience Center!

Magenta Experience Center is bringing customer experience to another level.

Our purpose: We won’t stop until everyone is connected.


In 2019, market research studies among telco providers on the Czech market brought an eye-opening findings:

60% of the customers of all generations are disappointed and do not fully trust in their telco service provider.

Our objective is to listen to our customers, understand their needs, and take immediate actions on those.

We want to encourage our customers to participate and co-create with us

by providing an immersive and playful experience that connects the analogue and digital worlds.

The foundation for all of this is a best in class service to support our customers with all their needs.

Beside rejuvenating our retail appearance, we want to bridge the digital divide and provide a space that invites all of our customers from GenZ to silver surfers.

The goal was to re-establish the trust of the customers in the Czech Republic and show a completely new look,feel and content of the brand.


The execution took place in Prague.

Right from the beginning, it was very important for us to involve the young target group in the creation process.

Therefore, Deutsche Telekom with T-Mobile Czech Republic announced

a Hackathon for students, providing the opportunity to create a retail space

that is truly inspiring to them.

A place, they feel like home and that provides all the professional, high-tech

and human support for all needs.

We have been amazed by the students ideas, and managed to build the best of them in the final customer experience design!

Due to the pandemic, the execution was very challenging,

but nothing could stop us!

With all the safety regulations kept, the Magenta Experience Center realisation was achieved within a couple of weeks and opened just before Christmas, 2020!


We have created a place that is a living customer experience.

Customers in Prague are super excited about the new space,

so discovering is easy and joyful.

Based on the first customers feedback people were surprised, impressed

and truly appreciated the new approach.

Even though the COVID regulations did not allow a big opening, 75 000+ visitors checked in.

In only 2 weeks’ time, 75 physical events have been successfully taken place.

Since the opening, 1 000+ online events with 5000+ followers have been streamed to the Czech audience.

70% of the on-line customers are regular followers already!

The goal is remaining the same: We won’t stop until everyone is connected!

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