Cannes Lions


AFRICA, Sao Paulo / UOL / 2013

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Bring the brand to the vanguard, make it contemporary, and in a moment of institutional transformation.

The final project came from the art. After lots of time observing the content on and seeing how the internet is mutually organic, liquid, and moves all the time, as well as there being a wealth of images and billions of pixels to be re-appropriated, we started to show this to the common view, to put aside that day, that week, frozen like in a photo, and that past events can be observed and that it's a different type of contemporary medium,


We chose a poster, a material substrata, since before it was light and mathematics it would become palpable, would be there exposed in a frozen wall, like photograph, but the photograph would use thousands of photos and special effects to become something that would be the desired message, but how find the vanguard aesthetically nowadays where everything is experimented and already seen?

We call that the physical, and create a certain entropy, but the aesthetic, or the aesthetic chaos empty of meaning. It's interesting to observe the miniscule images and imagine situations that at times fusions don’t allow to appear.


Posters are just pieces of support for a bigger movement, which was to put the brand in the vanguard of our country. We’re in the middle of the journey, bringing together all the other projects wee see, since the choice of an aesthetic road was right on.

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