Cannes Lions



Case Film






When Russia invaded Ukraine, millions had to flee their homes and careers, leading to a refugee crisis. This, along with other factors, pushed the global refugee crisis past 100 million people for the first time. UNHCR aimed to create a platform for Ukrainian refugees to share a message of solidarity and unity, leading to the creation of a film that not only addressed the Ukrainian refugee crisis but also had a broader message of refugees worldwide.


The film was co-authored with Ukrainian refugees and features over 50 Ukrainian refugees playing themselves.

This is a film of two acts.

In the first, we meet three Ukrainian refugees who have fled their homes and are now in Berlin, Germany. As they attempt to go about their normal lives, we see their PTSD being triggered by everyday things; a door slamming, a siren going off or a firework display.

In the second act, we see the Ukrainian refugees gather together. Finding each other. They begin to embrace and hold onto one another for strength and support. Culminating in them creating a huge, majestic human tree, made up of people who’s lives have been uprooted.


Our film aimed to convey a message of strength and unity, which deeply resonated with the Ukrainian refugee community. In the first 48 hours of its release, the film was viewed over 10 million times without any paid promotion, making it the most viewed content on UNHCR's channels. Many in the audience felt a strong connection to the film, with some even using it to showcase how PTSD affects them. The film's impact was felt globally and was featured in many exhibitions, including the Centre de Pompidou in Paris. International film festivals also provided a platform for refugees to share their stories with a live audience. The story even caught the attention of global media outlets such as Variety and BBC World News, who interviewed the Ukrainian cast and crew of Uprooted, amplifying the film's message of unity with refugees everywhere.

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