Cannes Lions
COLENSO BBDO, Auckland / FRUCOR / 2011
So we made a sport of our own, Pomparkour - an extreme urban sport that combines Parkour with a ladder.First we manufactured history, information, photos and filmed sightings of the sport. We seeded these onto blogs and other popular touchpoints, like Wikipedia. As Pomparkour gained in popularity and authenticity, we introduced V Isokinetic into the story, which of course was a perfect fit for the new sport. We launched a TV commercial and website based around the guys who started Pomparkour. This gave V Isokinetic the unique opportunity to become famous alongside a completely new, undiscovered sport.
With support from V Isokinetic, Pomparkour exploded. Both were featured in magazines, newspapers, blogs and talked about on national current events shows, who not only mentioned V Isokinetic, but also interviewed the Pomparkourists from the TV commercial.The video we created of Pomparkour for Youtube became the #1 sports video in New Zealand, and #28 globally. Hits to V’s website were up 530% on the previous month and the television commercial became the 3rd most enjoyed commercial of all time. To top all this off Frucor took a 19.7% market share of sports drinks.
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