Spikes Asia

Vaccination Rides

FORSMAN & BODENFORS, Singapore / GOJEK / 2023

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Singapore was told it would only open up once vaccination rates increased. So, as long as vaccination remained low, ridership would too. On top of that, people weren't encouraged nor had the interest to be out and about, mostly due to the fear of getting Covid-19 and the government's restrictions on movement.

No matter the incentive or emotional string we were to pull through a typical awareness campaign, it would still do very little to help the brand snag a bigger chunk of market share, as no one was riding in the first place.

So, our objective was two-fold - give people a new reason to travel with Gojek, and assure them that riding with Gojek was the safest way to get to and from wherever they wanted.

And our “new reason to travel” was clear: get vaccinated against Covid-19.

To get people riding again and prove to Singapore we're the ride-hailing company they can trust, Gojek decided to encourage more people to get their COVID-19 shots.

To do that, we pivoted a budgeted $12 million in communication into investment to taking people to and from their vaccination centers for free. From anywhere in the country to any hospital, clinic or community center that administered a COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Our efforts began in March, selling the idea through Gojek's stakeholders and implementing the promotional mechanic in the app.

The initiative was officially launched on May 27th, through a PR effort with major media outlets in Singapore - Today, MediaCorp, The Straits Times, and CNA.

The promotion would last until August 31st. And throughout the months, we kept interest going through targeted communication with content on social, widespread CRM efforts, and app notifications.

Then, to engage younger audiences around our vaccination effort, we released the Gojek One-Sleevie, the perfect t-shirt to get your shot: a tee with a single sleeve. Through influencer marketing, we got the word out.

Vaccination Rides quickly became a topic of conversation in the news, but also in closer circles amongst friends and family. People were quick to share tutorial videos on how to book the rides on social media.

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THE SMALLS, Singapore


2024, GOJEK

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