Cannes Lions


ZEGERS DDB, Santiago / SINDELEN / 2002

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The objective was to demonstrate Sindelen vacuum cleaners' maximum power in order to make them stand out in a medium saturated with ads. in the same category. Based on the idea of Sindelen vacuum cleaners' maximum power and great suction capacity, we created an ad. in which we very simply demonstrated the product's suction ability. To achieve this we published a photo of the vacuum cleaner and put some glue on its nozzle so that it would stick to the facing page. The reader, upon opening the magazine and finding the two pages stuck together, would clearly get the message of the Sindelen vacuum cleaner suction ability and its maximum power.This ad. was published in magazines addressed to couples about to get married or recently married, who were concerned with buying home appliances. In this way, through a simple and low-budget resource we managed to stand out in a medium saturated with ads. for home appliances, stating very clearly the benefits of Sindelen vacuum cleaners and their maximum power. We found the precise way and within the range of the client's budget, to highlight our product Sindelen vacuum cleaners in a medium saturated with ads. of the category, but in a medium where we cannot afford not to be present. To this medium belong some of the magazines (for instance the so-called brides' magazines) which are a must for newlyweds as these are the magazines they consult to make their buying decisions regarding home appliances etc. The entry is important because through a simple and precise resource we were able to break away from the monotony of magazines and stand out from the competition making our public feel, live and direct the power of the Sindelen vacuum cleaner. In Chile brides' magazines (or newspaper inserts) are a traditional consulting method when choosing wedding presents and also used by the newlyweds themselves for this purpose. In these magazines appliance manufacturers wage a pitched battle to gain access to a space that will allow them to show their products at their best, as they are considered a basic need for newlyweds. How could we highlight our product, Sindelen Vacuum Cleaners, in this medium saturated with similar ads, and with a low budget?Thanks to a brilliant idea and an impeccable execution we managed to break away from the natural monotony of magazines, making a clear statement about the Sindelen Vacuum Cleaners' differentiating factor, their Maximum Power.


We found the precise way and within the range of the client's budget, to highlight our product Sindelen vacuum cleaners in a medium saturated with ads. of the category, but in a medium where we cannot afford not to be present. To this medium belong some of the magazines (for instance the so-called brides' magazines) which are a must for newlyweds as these are the magazines they consult to make their buying decisions regarding home appliances etc.

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