Cannes Lions

Victoria 285

LEO BURNETT, Madrid / AXA / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Axa works for a future without risks for our society. And if we don't do more as a society, being a woman will keep on being a risk for a long time.

As a company, Axa has lots of initiatives that are closing the gap, or even have closed it in certain areas.

So with this campaign it aimed to make people conscious of the urgency to act now and faster, and at the same time present some of its internal initiatives for the society to learn an apply them if they could or needed.

In this case, Victoria 285 is the local amplification of a global campaign that claimed: Being a woman shouldn't be a risk.


Victoria 285 is a visual representation that shows step by step how old a woman would have to be to see society achieving certain key moments for gender equality, according to UNWomen. But it does it showing a woman actually aging as she speaks and explains each of these achievements, getting to an impossible age (285 years old), and making the viewer feel the amount of time still needed, and at the same time the urgency for acting faster than we are currently doing, even if it seems that we are doing well. Instead of showing graphics to visualize the data, we wanted it to make data be represented with the human body and its possibilities, so it can go from numbers to real people, and from something that we think that is close for humanity, to something that seems inhuman.


We used data from UNWOMEN and the World Economic Forum*dzzvrp*_ga*OTgwMzkwNzI1LjE3MTQyOTExMzc.*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTcxNDI5MTEzNy4xLjAuMTcxNDI5MTE0Ny4wLjAuMA..

The calculations are based in the amount of time we still need to solve things like payment gap, politics representation, child marriage...

The film shows step by step how old a woman would have to be to achieve each of these things, becoming the visualization of why we should act now.

Instead of showing graphics to visualize this data, we represented it with the human body and its possibilities, so it can go from numbers to real people, and from something that we think that is close for humanity, to something that seems inhuman.


Victoria 285 aired on youtube on 26th of September 2023, just one month after the final of the Women's World Cup in which the President of the Spanish Football Federation kissed the captain of the team on her lips without consent.

In its first week it went viral, reaching 1.7M views on youtube, much more than initially expected.

On Instagram it also got a lot of attention, initiatiing a conversation on Axa account that even proved why this piece was much needed, and raising Axa followers on that social network.


Perhaps, the most important achievement is that it was shown at schools and universities to explain why we should act now.

+1.7M de views on Youtube (35%% coming from whatsapp, proving its virality).

90% positive sentiment

+18M impacts.

Visits to Axa's website, to see the initiatives to achieve gender equality, were 123% higher than previous month.

Even if it wasn't the intention, those who have been impacted with the campaign, showed more intention of hiring Axa.

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