Cannes Lions
Dangerous driving choices are the primary or contributing factor in 70% of pedestrian fatalities. These fatalities are outside of the pedestrian’s control; the remaining 30% of the fatalities report a documented error by the pedestrian with no apparent error by the driver. In 53% of pedestrian fatalities where the factors are known, dangerous driver choices – such as inattention, speeding and failure to yield – are the main causes of the crash.
These pedestrian fatalities were a consequence of a driver’s conscious decision – a choice they willingly made.
To influence behavior change, the messaging hierarchy emphasized the consequences of hazardous driving choices in both words and in visuals.
The dire consequences of hazardous driving choices were depicted visually. The language focused on poor driving decisions, the consequences, a supporting fact, the right driver decision and reinforced the strap line “Your Choices Matter."
In the Spring of 2015, the Vision Zero marketing team launched an integrated multi-lingual campaign behind “Your Choices Matter” in earned, owned and paid media. The multi-platform public awareness campaign emphasized the serious consequences of hazardous driving choices on New York City streets.
In addition to extensive earned placements in print, broadcast and social, paid media was employed to include broadcast outlets such as radio, in-cinema, taxi TV, and, on a limited basis, television. Digital and out-of-home media was also used to sustain engagement and provide factual support for “Your Choices Matter." Sponsorship of local major league baseball teams, in-stadium and radio, supplemented and reinforced the messaging at launch and throughout the summer.
In neighborhoods with high crash incidences, hyper-targeted messaging delivered localized factual support via out-of-home and digital/mobile.
All “Your Choices Matter” messaging pointed to a microsite providing engaging factual and emotional support for the Vision Zero initiative.
Traffic fatalities down 22% – 68 fewer lives lost – since Vision Zero launched.
2015 had the fewest traffic fatalities in NYC history.
Quantitative Research among over 1,200 adult New Yorkers
72 % recalled Vision Zero paid media
55% recalled Vision Zero Television spots
Message Comprehension
91% now believe it is their responsibility to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk
79% identified driver behavior as the cause of fatal crashes
Behavior Shift
87% reported the advertising persuaded them to “Avoid texting while driving”
86% reported the advertising convinced them to “Pay more attention to pedestrians and cyclists while driving”
Attitudinal Shift
77% reported that they now “Expect more enforcement of traffic laws”
76% agreed the advertising made them “More supportive of new street designs to increase safety”
75% of non-drivers agreed the advertising made them “A more careful pedestrian”
Program Support
80% agreed Vision Zero is a valuable government program
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