Cannes Lions



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PosT-Shirt was created to give "YouPix" participants a gift from Vivo they could take home.

A machine at the event, linked to the agency server, was the interface used by everyone. Handling an iPad, people had to fill a form consenting the software we built to have access to their Facebook. After that, the robot searched all that person’s history to find the most liked post he/she has written.

Behind the scenes, an employee was in charge of printing. When the post was found, it automatically became an image and was sent to him. Then, he would use traditional t-shirt printing machinery to create the PosT-Shirt. Finally, he would drop it in the bin where the owner had access to it.

A team of approximately 15 people were involved in the production of the machine and software.


PosT-Shirt was an instant success. One machine, created exclusively for YouPix 2012, that called the attention of everyone at the festival. Participants were talking about it on social networks, while more than a hundred t-shirts were printed everyday.

With this unexpected gift, Vivo was able to reconnect people to their past digital lives. More than that, we were capable of taking the conversation outside of the event. Participants went home proudly wearing their most popular post, which propably earned them more likes. But this time, on real life.

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