Cannes Lions



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In answer to this brief, we created a patriotic red, white and blue landscape that showcases the familiar sights of America in one view. The wrap-around scene is layered with known landmarks, symbols and seasonal references, all there to be discovered.

The design includes nostalgic references that Americans from all walks of life can relate to, such as destinations like Cape Cod, the Rocky Mountains and Coney Island, plus seasonal items, including a beach chair, the trusty barbecue and the classic RV. The fireworks, of course symbolise the 4th July festivities. To showcase the entire poster-like landscape to full effect, we placed the Smirnoff logo on the bottle twice. The opposite facings allow the bottle to be placed in multiple different positions on-shelf.


Our design is modern, technical, lavish and extravagant – like the forward thinking son himself. We discovered that wealthy White Russian’s liked to smash their expensive Baccarat crystal glasses after a toast. To create a rich layering, our bottle’s striking facets mirror the iconic baccarat crystal of the Tsar's court and the geometric shapes and diffracted light emulate shards of arctic ice. The premium bottle will ensure stand-out on shelf and high impact retail theatre will capture the attention and imagination of travellers worldwide.

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