Cannes Lions

We all sweat

ISLA REPUBLICA, Buenos Aires / GATORADE / 2024







This is a case about challenging a dominant narrative but mostly is about challenging the historic way of communicating the brand. In a category where new players (and Gatorade’s history also) were reflecting values like boldness, competition, performance, and also sponsoring and featuring sports celebrities, we decided to take a different turn: we changed our message and our tone towards the use of humor, and we left behind big celebrities to connect with amateurs by building relevance through a very simple truth.


The film starts with a voiceover telling us: “Probably not to everyone, but to sweat we are all the same”. From then on, we come across typical situations in the amateur sports world, while the VO narrates the parallelisms of this and the pro sports scene: having sponsors or not, getting paid millions or having to pay to play football, running away from fans or after doctors’ advice, etc. All these situations show people practicing different sports, making an effort, having a good time, celebrating their victories and, of course, sweating. Because, in the end, for those who practice sports, in whatever level or for whatever reason they do it, sweating is all that counts. It is proof that they have given their best. We close with Gatorade logo and invitation to “Keep on sweating”.


In its first weeks on air, the film achieved promising results that would help change people's perception on Gatorade, and understand that it was made for them too:

Impressions: 392M

Reach: 50M

Interactions: 400k

Engagement Rate: 1,2%

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