Cannes Lions

We fuel the economy with the power of marketing


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Sanoma Media Finland is the most multichannel media house in Finland. It reaches almost every Finn every week in multiple media. Sanoma has three business areas: journalism, entertainment and B2B. The umbrella brand is strategically marketed to advertisers. Sanoma’s B2B marketing aims to establish a relationship with marketers as a trusted partner, support sales and improve Finnish marketing.

When COVID-19 hit Finland, the April–May media market declined by -43% from the previous year. Tourism advertising ended, and traditional big brands, such as telecoms, finance and motor vehicles, declined by over 50%. Marketing was in a chaotic crisis, and Sanoma spent the first weeks processing cancellations. Sanoma converted its long-term strategy into an emotionally intelligent tactic in two days. Sanoma united the industry and its opinion leaders. It started to advocate marketing. The first campaign coincided with Finland’s first COVID-19 restrictions on 17 March. Weekly launches followed until autumn.


As with all media, Sanoma’s B2B target groups are advertisers and media and advertising agencies. They each have slightly different motives. They all possess marketing competence. Marketing communication aimed at them needs to be exceptional to succeed. Often, media marketing is full of numbers and attempts to prove the excellence of the media. During this case, Finland experienced its biggest emergency measures in post-war times which had a deep impact on everyone’s emotional life and activities. Due to this, previous target group analyses were not valid. A common concern, uncertainty and coping were insights that applied to everyone. COVID-19 united target groups. All were in a new state of emergency, helpless. Companies have perhaps never before had to make such big decisions so quickly. Consequently, marketing was neglected. Sanoma took on this challenge together with the whole industry in Finland: "Let’s fuel the economy with the power of marketing”


Sanoma marketed marketing with compassion. When the Government issued the first measures, it took only 2 days for Sanoma to launch its COVID-19 campaign focusing on compassion and useful information. It aimed to market marketing as a solution to the financial crisis. Sanoma joined various marketing and advertising players to sign an appeal on behalf of marketing. Sanoma launched cooperation with marketing federations, published useful articles about marketing during crisis and launched advocacy campaigns in TV, radio, online, some, magazines and newspapers.

In the webinar “Get the New Tomorrow”, experts spoke about marketing in the new era. The keynote speakers were Bruce Dickinson and Seth Godin. It became the highest-attended marketing event ever in Finland.

Sanoma marketed marketing more than anyone in Finland ever and was the most influential marketing advocate during COVID-19. Sanoma united the industry, offering help to marketers and a platform for the views of leading experts.


Quality content with target group relevance increased visitor volumes of the Current section by +151% from the previous year. Tens of COVID-19-themed marketing articles were published on the site and in newspapers. Similarly, the CTR in Facebook, 6.40%, shows the content was interesting.

Sanoma’s media quickly recovered from COVID-19, and September 2020 was already a month of growth (+2%) compared to previous September.

Sanoma received 2 005 new customers during its COVID-19 marketing.

A record number of 4 003 people attended the Get Tomorrow seminar.

Sanoma's stock price increased in the year by 20 %. (N.B. due to many factors, e.g., acquisitions)

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