Spikes Asia


DENTSU X, Makati / DENTSU / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






For many years, there has been discrimination against women. People say that women should just stay at home, take care of the kids, let the husband be the breadwinner. But for women themselves, they know they are more than that. The only people supporting women, are women. Dentsu wanted to change all that. They wanted to show their support to all hard-working women all over the world. But instead of women supporting women, we thought, what if men showed their support instead?


On International Women’s Month, we launched a heartwarming film called “WeMen For Women” featuring the men of Dentsu all over the world. Men showed their support to the women in their lives -- wives, sisters, mothers, and even daughters. And it ended with men expressing their feelings through powerful statements, encouraging everyone in the Dentsu network to think about how we can be better men for women by sharing their own support on our website. This campaign showed that no matter what people say, no woman is never alone. We, men, are here for women.


Most of the time, women are the ones supporting other women. What happened to the men? Dentsu wanted to change all that. We wanted to show how men value their values, support their beliefs, and acknowledge their success. And we wanted every Dentsu employee all over the world to share their love and support. Hopefully, one day, the stereotype and discrimination against women will be put to an end.


We launched a heartwarming film on International Women's Month featuring select Dentsu employees from all around the world. At the end of the video, we led them to our website where anyone can send a message to the women in their lives simply by uploading a photo of them and writing a simple statement. This website was shared online and spread all throughout the Dentsu network.


Dentsu employees all over the world participated in the campaign and showed their support on the website and shared the material on their social pages. This effort created an impact within the company and could even inspire many more outside the network. Hopefully, one day, the stereotype and discrimination against women will be put to an end.

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