Cannes Lions


OMD CHINA, Shanghai / JOHNSON & JOHNSON / 2014

Case Film
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Chinese censorship is notorious for its strict hold over content that is aired in China. While this is true, it’s not always to suppress criticism. The censor is also to ensure that content sets a good moral example for people and families. Content that promotes strong family development rarely find any problems producing films.

The Chinese film industry grew rapidly in 2013. The movie box office exceeded 20 billion RMB, an increase of 27% compared to 2012. The audience has reached 612 million, an increase of 32% compared to 2012. The Chinese film industry has entered a golden period of development.

Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year, and is the peak period for movie viewing. Amongst all activities, viewing movies is the most popular activity for all family members to participate. They don’t need to spend much money, the whole family can sit together, and everyone can enjoy the film together.


Originally a hit TV show, the film version of "Where are we going, Dad?" gained unprecedented attention and popularity. The movie focuses on the parent-child relationship, it naturally spoke to our Johnson's Baby audience. Traditionally, we speak to new/expecting mothers, but this campaign targeted new/expecting FATHERS. We found that many new/expecting fathers watch the show because their wives made them watch it. Ironically enough, the husbands ended up becoming huge fans of the show. Since every new mother was watching, a generation of new fathers was watching. Our new target was drawn (literally) to the content by our traditional audience.


Through our fully integrated branded content approach, we successfully shared “The Irreplaceable moment” with our audience.

We reached our audience:

-'Where are we going, Dad?' became the most popular 2D movie in 2014 CNY

-RMB690m (USD$110 million) at the box office

-+25 million viewers

-1,600 separate online news stories

They engaged with Johnson’s Baby like never before:

-100x Johnson’s Baby Weibo activity (China’s Facebook) during the campaign period, as many parents wanted to post their own ‘Irreplaceable Moments’

-470,000 search results about Johnson’s Baby moment in the movie

We had a direct impact on Johnson’s Baby sales:

-30% sales growth than the same period of last year

-0.8% market share increase

At the close of the campaign, Johnson’s Baby had this to say:

“This project had achieved great result for the business, especially the good performance of sales. We appreciate the efforts that you had pulled for this project and we have also collected great learning through this co-op. Hopefully, these learnings can help us in the further content planning, not just for JB, hopefully across the whole Johnson & Johnson.”

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