Cannes Lions

#WhereAreWeMoving. The Conversation That Stopped A War

CABIFY, Madrid / CABIFY / 2018

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#HaciaDóndeNosMovemos (#WhereAreWeMoving) An invitation to speak for those who did not want to do it.

We invited politicians and main competitors to an event to talk about mobility in our cities. To define the keys that have to help us in the future.

The campaign stoped being advertising to become news in mass media. That immediately echoed the campaign, communicating in real time who joined Cabify’s initiative.

Something as simple as an invitation to an event, helped us to get people to hear our message for the first time, and to do it through the means that the taxidrivers used to damage our reputation.


We created a transmedia campaign with focus on digital. First, we launched a generic invitation in the main newspapers and created personalized invitations that we published in marquees and social channels.

Secondly, we had a Twitter strategy to answer all the comments we knew would come up. Analyzing all the tweets prior to the campaign, we created responses that we posted on our campaign site, thus directing all those who launched false information to the real information.

Finally, we developed the event. To which our main competitors joined, UBER was the first to answer. The event was followed live through social media. It consisted of two parts, a first where experts spoke about mobility and a round table with our competition. As we anticipated, Taxi did not join but we had the presence of two very important parties: PSOE and PP.

A campaign that was relevant for the whole society.


152,000 stream views

15,739 tweets during the campaign

32 million impressions only on

Organic trending topic on Twitter.

Topic Reduction of the negative feeling of the brand by 18%

An investment return of almost 3 million euros

A media audience of more than 80 million

And among all (or almost all) we draw conclusions and draw the map of where our cities have to move.

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