Cannes Lions


FULLSIX, Levallois-Perret / MASTERFOODS / 2003

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Context-Whiskas is the leading cat food brand in France-Objective is to increase loyalty of current heavy and medium Whiskas usersWhat does it consist of?A multi-channel relationship marketing program combining direct mail, phoning, emailing, website, online newsletter, print advertising, couponing, sampling.Marketing investments, messages, actions and channels are different from one consumer to another based on individual profiles.Why should this program attract your attention?- Offline and online channels are used in real SYNERGY (unlike most 'integrated' programs where there is no connection between the various mails and emails sent)Example: The online newspaper contains a proposal to receive coupons. If the consumer requests these coupons, a paper mailing is sent as well as an alert email, the objective of which is to alert the consumer hence increase the opening rate of the paper mailing. Several weeks later, a follow-up email is sent to check whether the coupon and the featured product have been used.Individual consumer profiles are updated in real time. Consumer data are collected and used to update the profile and adapt future actions. For instance, if a consumer does not open several online newsletters, a specific email will be sent. If the email is not opened and the consumer is 'high potential', a phone call will be made- For the same budget as last year, this program reaches twice as many people, and the average number of contacts on high potential users has been multiplied by 7.

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