Cannes Lions

Wholesomize It


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Case Film






Day-in and day-out, people are bombarded with negative images and headlines of hate, bigotry, bullying and racism online. In fact a recent Pew Research Center survey found nearly three-quarters of American adults who use the Internet have witnessed online harassment and 40 percent have experienced it themselves. This begged the question, “What if the internet was a more wholesome place?” What if you could experience it as a place that was more accepting of different ideas, beliefs and lifestyles? With Honey Maid’s Wholesome Button, you can. The Wholesome Button is an easy-to-download browser app that allows users to experience the Internet through the lens of acceptance and positivity. By installing the app on their browsers, users can simply click the Wholesome Button to replace all the negative images and headlines on a web page with wholesome content that celebrates love, heartwarming family connections and acceptance.


To launch the 2016 “This is Wholesome” campaign, the team conducted targeted media outreach kicking off with a top-tier advertising trade media exclusive with Ad Week, followed by strong media relations activity within key verticals including business, marketing and food trades, national lifestyle, tech, parenting, LGBTQ and various multicultural outlets. Coinciding with the launch of the four digital :15 and :30 spots, the team unveiled the Wholesome Button and leveraged mainstream and vertical media as a vehicle to encourage Americans to accept diversity and, in turn, pass the message of acceptance along.


The Wholesome Button transformed Honey Maid’s “This Is Wholesome” advertising campaign into a conversation. Media coverage around 2016’s “This is Wholesome” campaign launch garnered more than 116 million impressions, with 77 percent of those articles mentioning the Wholesome Button. Thousands of users have visited Wholesomize.It, with 40 percent of those visitors adding and using the Wholesome Button. Key pieces of media coverage by outlets such as The Atlantic, Huffington Post and Creativity helped spread the news about the Wholesome Button, driving almost 30 percent of referrals to the Wholesomize.It webpage.

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FCB BUENOS AIRES, Buenos aires



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