Cannes Lions

Whose Diabetes Do You Have? "Rich Media Banner

GSW, Columbus / LILLY / 2016

Presentation Image






Each of us carry with us diabetes, whether we have the disease or not.


Using a series of short, street-cast films telling personal stories from the point of view of an endocrinologist, this campaign celebrates the passion these health professionals have for treating such a challenging disease as diabetes.

This is not a campaign that asks anything of physicians beyond taking a moment of their time to celebrate their passion and dedication, and to know that Lilly Diabetes not only understands it, but shares it. Not just because they work to help treat diabetes, but because they understand every one of us, whether you are an endocrinologist, a patient, or someone judging some ads at an awards show has a very personal answer to this question: Whose diabetes do you have?

The main channels employed were rich media banners, and website-based video, supported by email, direct mail, and journal ads.


The campaign was very well received by endocrinologists, with open rates to the emails at 3x the norms, positive perception changes after viewing each of the videos, and very positive unsolicited feedback from the audience.

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