Cannes Lions
In this film we see a diverse set of women and men passionately speaking about the reasons why they will be marching on January 21st, 2017 in support of the Women’s March. The film ends with a call to action to check out the Women’s March website and to get as many women as possible out on that day to to support the movement.
The idea for the film was, “Why I March”, showcasing real women talking about the varied reasons that they have decided to stand in solidarity and participate in the Women’s March themselves.
The challenge in coordinating communication for the March was that we had no money and no time, and we therefore had to rely on the power of women rallying together to get the message out quickly. The execution and production of a series of films to promote the marches was put together in four weeks. The execution was created by an all female client team, creative team and production team.
The production budget for the film was under $25K, and there was no media budget for the campaign. We relied on the power of the message to gain traction for the cause organically on twitter, and Facebook. It also ran on TV as a public service announcement.
Without any paid media, the ‘Why I March’ film has amassed 8.93 Million organic views on Facebook since it first ran the week before the March. It has a further 124K views on YouTube.
The Women’s March was a movement that had already gathered momentum, but our communications captured the heart of the issues at stake and further inspired people to take part in the March.
Globally, it was estimated that well over 5 million women marched in 673 cities globally (Source: Financial Times). The Washington March drew at least 500,000 people, and in the United States the high-end estimate for total attendees to the various marches was 4.6 million individuals, the low-end estimate was 3.3 million (Source: The Atlantic). By all accounts, the Women’s March became the largest single-day demonstration march in U.S. history.
As a reference point, Donald Trump's inaguration drew 160,000 people (Source: The Atlantic).