Cannes Lions
The US media landscape has become a dynamic laboratory, in which brands are experimenting with different forms of branded content and entertainment: across multiple platforms. The fragmentation and proliferation of media is partly responsible. Likewise, the transformational impact of digital, social and mobile has created a hunger and an expectation for immediately accessible, entertaining and shareable content. Branded content and entertainment fulfills this need. Share-ability is a barometer of how relevant and resonant a brand is within popular culture. Both B2B as well as B2C audience are now conditioned to expect unique and engaging content from brands they engage with.
A growing number of B2B technology companies are experimenting with content to engage their audiences with brand stories that are bigger than straightforward presentations of individual products and services. They are using stories to convey a greater sense of mission, purpose and impact they have on society. The 'Sounds Of Wind' is one such story showing Siemens impact in Iowa.
The program’s digital launch included Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, as well as 15 pre-roll and display advertising, all of which drove to a landing experience on There, users were exposed to the full story: a chance to view and share the film and a deeper dive into wind energy and Siemens work in renewables.
The film was originally intended to live online in a long format. But the clients were so pleased they decided to run :30 and :60 second versions on network TV, despite tight budgets.
The program dramatically increased familiarity with Siemens wind technology. Key businesses audiences who recalled seeing and engaging with the branded content and the advertising, showed a 50% increase in familiarity with Siemens wind technology versus those who didn’t recall or engage with the program.
The paid media campaign, a relatively low level investment, generated nearly 425,000 visits to Siemens website. Over 75,000 spent a significant amount of time on the site. Nearly 40% of these downloaded the film and other wind energy related content. This engagement rate was nearly 10% higher than Siemens previously best performing program. There was significant sharing of the film on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.
The campaign also picked up PR from publications including Fast Company, AdAge, and the Huffington Post. called it “really cool.” Energy alternative advocate Peter Sinclair posted it on his popular blog, earning comments like “The Siemens ad is terrific—great images and sound track—I watched it three times and smiled all through it each time.”
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