Cannes Lions



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Case Film






In Germany we currently have a small but growing market situation. Agencies as well as clients show growing interest in Branded Entertainment campaigns. But there is no clear distinction between Content Marketing and Branded Entertainment. Both terms are used equally and all ecosystem players can’t agree how to differ exactly. This fact leads to an unsettled market situation. Also there are official restrictions such as strict label requirements for TV and online advertising.


The YouTube heroes encourage their followers to also share their story and mark it with #wireinander. In reaction the community exposes taboo topics like mobbing and depression up to suicidal thoughts. The positive atmosphere allows an honest contact with these difficult subjects. #wireinander became a public yet protected space for young adults.

After telling their story every creator put an object in the #wireinander box which reminds him of his struggling time. The Techniker Krankenkasse hosted a contest among the users. Everyone could join in and win a personal object from their hero.


The #wireinander campaign matches perfectly with the target group. 66,5 % of the core target group where between 18 and 34 years in average. We received very detailed and mainly positive feedback from the community by positive comments and tweets. Regarding the press releases # wireinander is perceived as an efficient and innovative campaign.

The hashtag tracking (run time Dec 9, 2014 – Feb 2, 2015) showed a total range of 3 million video contacts. 51 % posts came straight from the community which shows high involvement. YouTube creator Unges #wireinander tweet gained 4.800 favourites and 702 retweets. The community shared countless #wireinander stories an all platforms. The campaign gained additional 200 % YouTube subscribers, 335.000 likes and 28.000 comments in total.

With valid numbers and voices from all stakeholders the market players as well as the client consider #wireinander as the most successful image campaign in 2014 for insurance business.

Due to the great results the Techniker Krankenkasse settled for a follow up campaign starting April, 2015.

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