Cannes Lions
BASCULE, Tokyo / UNILEVER / 2015
At the social stage, by linking with Twitter account, the latest 100 tweets of the user are analyzed and the number of negative tweets convert to the bombs to create his/her own original minesweeper stage.
The stages are to be played each other clearing other's bombs and fill with hearts, and that create new communication between unfamiliar users on Twitter.
We rank the level depends on the number of bombs (e.g. Armageddon is 34 to 99 bombs), but using a item AXE Spray help to clear those high level stages.
Over 1 million players played in very first 1 month. The hashtag was top CTR of Twitter promo-trend in 2014.
We held the participant live event at internet live TV show, so 50 thousands people play the stage at same time. The event achieved the 97% users satisfaction.
70% of the total access was from smartphone, so we believe we reached the target and they played as expected.
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