Spikes Asia

World’s First Kawaii Miso Soup



1 Silver Spikes Asia
1 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
Presentation Image
Case Film






?Miso is a traditional ingredient that has been a major feature on the dining tables of Japan for over 1300 years. However, miso consumption has fallen approximately 50% in 40 years.

?In particular, the younger generation’s growing disinterest in miso is a serious issue, with young people thinking miso is “outdated”, and this attitude is significantly impacting on Marukome’s recruitment due to the decline in people choosing to work for miso manufacturers. As such, we felt it first necessary to have young people regain an interest in miso.


"Kawaii" is a value Japan has shared with the world. It is an ambiguous word with many meanings including pretty, cute, innocent, fleeting, etc., which we learn about in this movie.

As a young girl reflects on the origin of the word, images of the history of Japan's Kawaii culture appear one after another. Its roots lie in a folk tale written 1000 years ago. The changes in high school girls' school uniforms, the history of make-up. The generations of Kawaii are portrayed through the modern day eyes. The climax comes when the girl herself becomes the essence of Kawaii and melds with miso soup, another pillar of Japanese culture, creating the world's first Kawaii miso soup. Miso, which has sustained Japanese meals for 1300 years and Kawaii, a concept from 1000 years ago; these two original Japanese cultures make up the collaboration of the millennium.


On September 4th 2015, in the 160 years of Marukome’s history, we changed the brand character to a girl for the first time.

The development of "Kawaii Miso Soup" began.

Instead of just redesigning the package, we also adopted a unique manufacturing process. Just like if you continue to tell a girl she is “Kawaii”, she will surely become that way, what would happen if we kept telling miso it was “Kawaii”? Focusing on this point, we held events around the world (Tokyo, London, Paris) in which people told miso it was “Kawaii”.

Then we played the feedback to the miso in our plants.

On February 22nd 2016, the product and commercial were launched, then the pop-up stores opened in Harajuku and Shibuya.

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