Cannes Lions



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George Kursar/Universal McCann/PlannerChris Price/Universal McCann/PlannerHelen Kim/Universal McCann/Planner We formulated a contact plan strategy that called for three requirements: Reach, Connect, Resonate.We had to go beyond just passively reaching them to have our media reflect the active experience that gamers crave while playing. They don’t just receive content, they actively become part of it.We reached our target by selecting “passion-point” content: Properties from Fox, MTV, Comedy Central, ESPN, FX, and SciFi, Maxim, Stuff, Gamepro, IGN, Nextgen, Zone, Gamespot were followed regardless of form.We connected with our target by outsmarting the competition in select environments via multi-spotting, gaining exclusivity, using unique ad units and purchasing sponsorships during the launch window. As an example, during launch week we were the sole national advertiser in the WWF and had category exclusivity on FOX Sunday night. We resonated with the target by adding elements within the selected properties that would enhance the passion gamers bring to, and draw from, each contact point. These elements would exploit the very equities of these properties that attract gamers to them in the first place. In essence we wanted to make Xbox part of the story line or actual experience that gamers have with these properties (see video submission for edited highlights). The key media idea was reach, connect and resonate.Some examples of how we reached, connected and resonated with each of our media vehicles (regardless of size) were:In addition to our TV schedule actual game-play features were negotiated on several NFL studio shows where sportscasters used the Xbox to demonstrate plays the teams might use on the field.

WWF superstars wore Xbox t-shirts during events, played the game backstage on-air as part of the telecast. Xbox demos were set up at events as well as in the WWF concept restaurant in Times Square. Their premier star, The Rock played Bill Gates at the launch party in Times Square which we “painted Xbox green” for the launch week PR stunt.The Xbox was incorporated into the storyline as a central element within Comedy Central’s “Thanksgivaway” weekend program line-up giving us a highly integrated and visible presence for the two biggest retail sales days of the year.Xbox was also used as prizes and received significant airplay as well as celebrity endorsement on MTV’s Total Request Live (TRL).We were also able to create resonance enhancing opportunities with media partners in the following areas:In concert with one magazine we sponsored a three day sports and music festival in Reno, Nevada featuring competitions in skiing and snowboarding. This festival also organizes entertainment and music events at night which include various well-known and up-and-coming artists.On-site signage, displays and console kiosks Mention and logo on all promotional elements (Includes: radio, print, online, direct mail and regional) Online presence Distribution of demo disksESPN co-sponsored an 8 game tailgate festival at some of the larger NCAA football universities.

On-site console kiosks around the festival areaDistribution of demo disks and product informationRolling Stone partnered to provide a college buzz for Xbox in a party atmosphere, by establishing three on-campus Xbox tournaments in approved markets.On-site console kiosks, sweepstakes, gift-with-purchase programPromotional efforts on each campus including posters and flyer distributionNational in-book announcement in All Access (Rolling Stone’s listing of upcoming events)By following this strategy for each and every contact point on our plan we were able to breakthrough the significant spending disadvantage that we faced, actively resonate with our target, and absolutely blow away the initial sales projections for consoles and game titles. We conceived, negotiated and executed the integrated communications strategy that supported what was arguably the most visible and successful new product launch of 2001, Microsoft Xbox. We integrated multi media planning and buying and were the strategic leadership point among all specialized communications disciplines such as promotions, events, and public relations. We used our leverage with media outlets to enhance the performance of each element in the media plan as well as those of the other disciplines. The end result was a media campaign that completely integrated the brand experience and programming content to make powerful communication and promotional connections with hard core gamers. Microsoft was new to this high stakes category and the gaming target audience. Microsoft is significantly outspent by competitors targeting the same audience young male gamers 16-26 years old.Our key insight that helped set this launch apart was:This target is the first technology “fluent” generation: doing almost everything in cyberspace and multi-tasking more than prior generations. Yet, contrary to popular opinion, TV and Radio remain the media they use most.

They self-select “their” content, and stick with it regardless of the distribution channel…they are platform agnostic.Eg. they love the WWF but don’t just watch WWF broadcasts. The same viewers of these top-rated TV programs also read the magazines, visit the on-line sites, attend live events and play games featuring WWF characters.Our approach had to be multi-media and integrated across multiple communications channels to reflect the way they follow content. Yet we had to be very selective in which of these content chains we chose to follow in order to off set our spending disadvantage (see video submission). We had to go beyond identifying the right media to becoming part of it to replicate the product experience.Most importantly, it worked…consoles completely sold out, game title sales more than doubled sales projections.


We conceived, negotiated and executed the integrated communications strategy that supported what was arguably the most visible and successful new product launch of 2001, Microsoft Xbox. We integrated multi media planning and buying and were the strategic leadership point among all specialized communications disciplines such as promotions, events, and public relations. We used our leverage with media outlets to enhance the performance of each element in the media plan as well as those of the other disciplines. The end result was a media campaign that completely integrated the brand experience and programming content to make powerful communication and promotional connections with hard core gamers.

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