Cannes Lions



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Introducing #YayDelay: a rush hour activation that uses local data & targeting strategies to deliver free G&T's where they're most welcome. The idea is simple: as disruption rises throughout the rush hour at your local station, Gordon's unlocks discounts on a G&T in local bars, with the level of discount - 50% off or totally free - reflecting the level of delay.

National rail data helped us track delays themselves, providing one of the inputs into our frustration-fuelled algorithm. And a cocktail of location, station, and social media sentiment provided the other, allowing us to track the emotional impact as the minutes clocked up.


First stop, Waterloo, for our pilot launch. Top of the charts for delay frustration in 2018. We launched our campaign with a PR story to international excitement. Requests came in not only from UK travellers, but from Europe and the US, for #YayDelay to arrive on their shores.

At 5pm Friday February 2nd, #YayDelay went live. Our geotargeted social ads filled the feeds of commuters and our owned social channels tweeted regular updates for followers.

From our warroom, we watched the data roll in, delays begin to mount and our dial tick up. Commuters affected by the delay were served geotargeted content to let them know what we were doing, and were prompted to help move the dial by tweeting #YayDelay.

By 5.45pm, Waterloo was sufficiently delayed to warrant free G&Ts. We embraced the 'Shall We?' spirit and unlocked a free gin for those waiting on the concourse.


#YayDelay drove clear action, prompting 10,700 people to engage with the campaign & 16% of all visitors during the live period claiming a voucher.

The campaign has proved its talkability, achieving 7.4 million in visibility*, of which 62% was earned visibility making this a highly efficient campaign that has got people talking independently of media buys. Furthermore, we saw a potential of 1.52 billion in online readership**.

But this is the type of activation that delivers even more strongly over time: as familiarity and anticipation build. It's for this reason that #YayDelay is not a one-off off activation: it's the beginning of a journey towards a new rush hour ritual: the 'Friday at 5' Shall We? moment.

*A proprietary Diageo metric serving as a proxy for reach, spanning multiple channels including social and media coverage. An estimate of how many times people were likely to have seen the content generated by the activity.

**Total potential readership of online publications which featured campaign.

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