Cannes Lions

Your Coors Second

Y&R, San Juan / MILLER BRANDS / 2017

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Case Film
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With the intention of strengthening brand significance during the holidays COORS LIGHT presented its new campaign through a scientific fact which was socially significant during New Year’s Eve 2016 - a “leap second”.

Every few years Earth gets a one-second adjustment, nonetheless, COORS LIGHT declared that this last second of the year was meant to be a special moment. Unfortunately, many people would miss it while on the phone struggling to send best wishes to others.

Being determined to make this last second count, COORS LIGHT revealed an innovative and free SMS/MMS video scheduler for everyone that believes New Year’s Eve should be celebrated with a beer in hand, not a cellphone.


Adhering to the “leap second” TU MOMENTO COORS allowed users to pre-record “one second” video greetings prior New Year’s Eve. These were automatically scheduled to be sent at 11:59.60 on December 31.

Multiple media channels were used to support the platform such as; TV ads, out-of-home, print, SMS, video pre-rolls, social media, and multiple live events that invited users and friends to visit, free of charge.


TU MOMENTO COORS received over 13,100 one second videos which turns out to 3.63 hours of content whereas, 92% of the videos showed proof of purchase voluntarily. As a result, 90% of the video messages were sent successfully at 11:59.60.

TU MOMENTO COORS increased 42% of its desired target compared to previous years of 26%.

By adding live events to the campaign it helped increase sales by 8% compared to previous efforts.

SMS invitations pulled organic reach by 22% while growing total reach during December to 8.8 million – that was an average of 7 impressions per user in our absolute audience.

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