Cannes Lions


UM, Madrid / COCA-COLA / 2009

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The execution needed to be as believable as Coke Zero itself.The “vending machine” not only had to be huge (19m high) it needed to offer an interactive experience where passers-by could satisfy their curiosity and acquire chilled cans of Coke Zero. By “marrying” the outdoor medium and mobile marketing, cans were “purchased” by sending a low-cost sms message to the machine. In this way, the product cost half its usual retail price and we created a database and a new dialogue with potential consumers.We used a building wrap at a land-mark site in Madrid’s city centre as the casing of the machine, recreating perfectly the look of a real vendor. Behind the wrap, using 3G technology and human assistance, we distributed cans to passers-by through the compartment door, as you would normally collect your can, as soon as the sums request was validated.


Our Vending Machine captured the attention and imagination of consumers and media alike! New consumers accepted the challenge to try Coke Zero in their thousands. Word spread about the action not only by WOM but also in personal blogs, social networks and chats. You may expect the marketing and advertising trade journals to cover this unique and ground-breaking action, which of course they did, but surprisingly, daily national newspapers ran with the story and reflected the uniqueness of the event.

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