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India is home to more than 15million visually impaired individuals, the largest number in the world. While there is a focus on enabling self-reliance through employment programs, little has been done on providing access to literature and poetry, which can be an immense source of inspiration. Sadly, only 1% of annually printed work is available in audio format.

Omron India asked us to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility campaign. For a company that is built on sensing technology, what better way to fulfill their CSR than to back a campaign that is committed to serve the senses. We conceptualized a campaign where Omron India partnered with the National Association for the Blind (NAB), Delhi to build an audio-library of poetry for the visually impaired.

A digital ecosystem was created so that people could record and submit poems – their own and others. A campaign was run across multiple channels to build and engage a community. On the strength of the campaign's intent, celebrities reached out and joined the campaign, helping to further the cause.

The response was staggering – over 2300 poems recorded in less than 8 weeks. From intent to action, this has been a journey of inspiration.


The campaign started with a mega launch event with National Association of Blind, Delhi and continued for 8 weeks. The campaign launch video went viral on Youtube getting over 70,000 views in less than 2 weeks and we got immediate response in terms of submissions. We continued uploading video content during the first 3 weeks to keep the momentum going. Facebook and mobile apps were also introduced. We started advertising this on facebook and twitter and it resulted in a significant increase of FB fan base and Twitter followers. As the campaign was gaining momentum and we were getting publicity and visibility through PR; Celebrities, Schools & Corporate organizations started approaching us for sharing their contributions. Multiple offline events were organized to support this.

All of this together resulted in library collection of over 2300 poems in less than 8 weeks.


Output/Awareness - Reached over 3 million people in online space.

Reach - 10 offline events were organized in Schools, Colleges and Corporate organizations providing more visibility and momentum to the initiative and adding to an additional reach of over 5 million people.

Knowledge / Consideration - The campaign was featured in leading dailies in India.

Celebrities reached out - 10 leading celebrities from Bollywood recorded their poems.

Action/Business Impact - The Facebook community of Omron India grew 24%, Twitter followers on the Twitter handle of Omron India increased by a staggering 825% with over 2300 poems recorded – all in under 8 weeks! The average time spent by a person who visited our website was about 4 minutes.

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