Cannes Lions








Branded Content is a new field in Israel that has only really started to grow in the past year. Until our campaign, only a tiny number of branded content series were made in Israel. This content resembled classic television viewing - online, with short episodes. There was no interaction nor were there elements of engagement or digital features. It was very similar to the regular ‘play’ and ‘stop’ YouTube videos we watch.

Currently, in Israel there is no regulation on the internet, which was fertile ground for us to create new ways to reach and interact with our target audience.

The most prominent players in the media industry - stars as well as production companies and channels - have not yet begun to enter into the branded content arena. It's completely new territory and was waiting for someone to ‘plant a flag’ for what branded content could deliver to a brand. In such a nascent market, it was considered very innovative for a 100 year-old national bank to make use of branded content.


Casting a big local star as the main female character created huge media interest and lots of PR coverage.

We collaborated with Israel's leading website for young people as a second platform on which to watch the series and show additional content - behind the scenes, interviews and special clips.

We also created an innovative viewing experience, the first of its kind in Israel that made our audience pass the word among their friends - glimpses to additional content in pop ups, receiving immediate benefits as an integral part of the plot, and a competition for a big prize.


•Following the campaign, the number of youngsters who perceived Leumi Bank as the best bank for young people in Israel increased by 300%.

•83% of youngsters expressed their willingness to recommend friends to join the club.•Nearly 30% of our target audience have viewed the web series (over 370K visitors).•We gained a huge PR coverage of the campaign, at a value of 30K$ - free media, about 10% of all media budget assigned to the campaign. •Exposure included TV items in entertainment and finance news, articles and reviews on major websites, and the theme song of the series became a hit on the radio.•Following the campaign, the joining rate for the Buzzer club rose by a whopping 97%. In addition, tens of thousands of young Israelis began to enjoy the moment.

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