Film Craft > Film Craft


FP7/CAI, Cairo / COCA-COLA / 2017

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Getting Egyptians to memorize their team and its line up fast was the challenge we were facing, amidst a competitive landscape that would have every brand across industries communicating mega messages around the championship and its stars. How could we get our tribute to stand out while others were spending millions on footballers and sponsorships? We needed our music to be extremely catchy, so catchy that every man, woman and yes child could pick it up. It needed to be as easy as an old nursery rhyme. In fact, it was just that. We purposely chose an iconic nursery rhyme that all Egyptians grew up memorizing, knowing that this would be the easiest way to get people to remember our lyrics, and accordingly, the team line up.


After 6 years of not competing in any national competitions, and the previous team having retired, the players of the Egyptian national team have become unknown to most people. as the team starts to gear up for the African cup of nations, coca cola, the brand that has always supported the Egyptian fan, took it upon itself to help them memorize the new line up that was about to represent them, and get them hyped for the football season.


With our direct competitor being one of the main sponsors of the African Cup and endorsing several of the national team’s star players, Coke needed to hijack the event without mentioning the event. Unlike our competitor, we couldn’t and wouldn’t have a star studded campaign with the captains and most popular players of the team; after all Coke celebrates the fan. Unlike our competitor, we couldn’t show off our national jerseys or the African Cup logo. We couldn’t even refer to the games. So away from the football field we ventured, featuring instead what we knew we had going for us, the Egyptian fan with all his quirks. The fans who were going to help us take center stage by cheering their national team with our fun song; our tribute to the players who would make us proud once again.