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WINGLATINO, New York / AMPM / 2008

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British Petroleum’s convenience stores have two different names across America. AMPM on the West Coast, BP Connect on the East coast. The company had plans to start unifying the name to AMPM, everywhere. That meant, we needed a modular campaign structure that could work as regular campaign -with a bunch of promos- on the West, and as a launch/branding-like campaign on the East. Considering we also had to live under the "Too much good stuff" claim, we decided to exaggerate the amount of time you spend at the store, as a result of their huge variety.


MVO: It is a fact. When you’re waiting for someone and there is nothing to do, you start thinking. thinking about…well...just thinking. That happened to me...I’m a bicycle, yeah, I know... it is ridiculous...a thinking bicycle?But I waited for my owner for so long in front of an ampm store that, suddenly, I just started to think... Is a tricycle happier than me? Are we alone in the universe? Do I look weird with this basket?

Oh, how i'd love to run the Tour de France... but it is tyres are too thick and my sprockets are two small...I hope my owner makes up his mind soon... I am loosing air...come on...ANN: With so many options, choosing might take a while. AMPM. Hot dogs, sodas, nachos, coffee, candy, and much, much more.

AMPM. Too much good stuff.


MVO: Es un hecho, cuanto estás esperando a alguien y no tienes nada que hacer, inevitablemente empiezas a pensar...en cualquier cosa...Eso me sucedió a una bicicleta...sí lo entiendo, para muchos es absurdo que las bicicletas piensen, pero yo esperé a mi dueño durante tanto tiempo frente a la puerta de un AMPM que de repente... empecé a pensar...¿Será un triciclo más feliz que yo? ¿Estamos solos en el universo? ¿No me veo ridícula con esta cesta? ¿Quien es más fuerte, un ninja o un dinosario? ¿Si ya se abolió la esclavitud, porque espero atada a una cadena? Espero que mi dueño se decida pronto...ANN: Con todo lo que puedes encontrar en un AMPM, elegir toma su tiempo. AMPM. Hotdogs, sodas, nachos, cafe, dulces y mucho, mucho mas.

AMPM. De lo bueno, un monton.

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