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WINGLATINO, New York / AMPM / 2008

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British Petroleum’s convenience stores have two different names across America. AMPM on the West Coast, BP Connect on the East coast. The company had plans to start unifying the name to AMPM, everywhere. That meant, we needed a modular campaign structure that could work as regular campaign - with a bunch of different promos - on the West, and as a launch/branding-like campaign on the East. Considering we also had to live under the 'Too much good stuff' claim they have been using, we decided to exaggerate the amount of time you spend at the store as a result of their huge variety.


SFX: Press conference sounds, murmuring, microphone being adjusted.MVO: Is this okay?

Dog: Woofwoof.MVO: Alright, whenever you’re ready.Dog: Woof...MVO: Hello...SFX: Camera flashes, photographers shooting.

Dog: Woof wooooof woof woof...Grrrr (growls)...MVO: I’m Fluffy and I’ve lost my owner.SFX: More camera flashes.Dog: Woof woofwoof… MVO: It all happened last week. I was restless at home… I needed to take care of some business, you know? Sooo we went for a walk. I’d see a tree but I just wasn’t feeling it. None of ‘em were quite right...Until we got to an AMPM parking lot… Oh man, there was this truck… Clean… Brand new tires and I thought…Dog: Woof!!MVO: Wow!!

Dog :… woof woofwoofwoof…MVO: But she didn’t notice the truck, she noticed the store. She looked me straight in the eyes and said:Dog: Woof!MVO: SIT!Dog: Woof woofwoof woof woof wooooooof…MVO: Of course, what she meant was: Wait here Fluffy, I’m gonna get a snack in AMPM, be right back.

Dog: Wooooooof. Woof woof!MVO: But...She never came back...I don’t know, maybe she was mad cause I ate those purple socks. She’s probably walking around now with two albino turtles or something...Dog: Wooof wooooof...(Sad and weeping)MVO: Please, please help me find her. I’m a show dog and I’ve been sleeping in an ATM booth. It’s so depressing...SFX: cameras flashing.... questions from reporters at the press conference, etc... (Fade out)ANN: With so many options, choosing might take a while. AMPM. Hot dogs, sodas, nachos, coffee, candy and much, much more.

AMPM. Too much good stuff.


SFX: Rueda de prensa. Murmullo. Micrófono se mueve.MVO: ¿Aquí está bien?Dog: Guauguau.MVO: Ok...cuando quieras.Dog: Guau...MVO: Hola,Sfx: Flashes fotográficos.

Dog: Guau guauguauguau Grrrr (groars)...MVO: ...Me llamo Copito y he perdido a mi dueña.Sfx: Más flashes fotográficos.Dog: Guau guauguauMVO: Fue la semana pasada. Yo ya no aguantaba más así que salimos a pasear....Ningún árbol me gustaba hasta que llegamos al parqueadero de un AmPm. Había una camioneta con llantas nuevas y me dije:...Dog: Guau…ANN: Guau… Dog: ... guau guauguauguau…MVO: Entonces ella se detuvo, me miro a los ojos y me dijo:Dog: ¡Guau!MVO: SIT!Dog: Guau guauguauguau guau guau… MVO: Claro que, lo que quiso decirme fue: Voy por un snack al ampm y ya vuelvo.Dog: ¡Auuuuuuu!... Guau guauguauguau...MVO: Pero nunca mas volvió...No sé, tal vez se cansó de que me comiese sus calcetines y me cambió por dos tortugas albinas...Dog: Guau guauguauguauMVO: Por favor, ayúdenme a encontrarla, tengo pedigree y estoy durmiendo en un cajero automático....Esto es humillante...SFX: Flashes fotográficos y murmullo que estalla, preguntas... (fade out)ANN: Con todo lo que puedes encontrar en un AMPM, elegir toma su tiempo. AMPM. Hot dogs, sodas, nachos, café, dulces y mucho, mucho más.

AMPM. De lo bueno, un montón.

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