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SALEM, Sao Paulo / RENAULT / 2008

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Renault is one of the largest automobile assembly plants in the country, and has been growing yearly. As of 1998, it began to manufacture its cars at national plants in Brazil. In 2007, it launched Logan, an innovative car in its category since it was the vehicle with the greatest amount of internal space at a very low price, and it included a 3-year warranty. Consequently, it was the ideal car for large families with a lower income level. The challenge was to present the car to the client with this profile and invite them to test-drive it at Renault dealers.


The target public list was composed of heads of the family with two or more children who owned cars made by Logan rivals, with limited internal space, which were positioned as family cars. Therefore, the client probably had to deal with space restrictions. It is precisely on this point that the campaign was based: we sent the target client a complete clothing outfit all sewn up, totally limiting the normal movements of a person who had to live in a confined space. Then we invited him to be free and to get to know the Logan, which would provide a lot more space for a just price.


The sales campaign at the dealers has been progressing very well. The publicity piece attracted the attention of the public who has turned out for test-drives. Fifteen per cent of the clients who received the direct mail went to car dealers to see the vehicle. Of these, 20% bought the car, with total sales of US$ 432,000.00. The total investment for the campaign was approximately US$ 55,000.00. Therefore, for each dollar invested, return was US$ 6.85, i.e., 685% ROI.

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