Direct > Product/Service
20:20 LONDON / AUDI / 2005
Create an online film to launch the new Audi A3 Sportback across the UK and Europe to collect data for test drives. And communicate the brand essence of "Vorsprung Durch Technik" as never before – by combining Internet and direct mail. Make it something you've never seen before.
An email link to a viral film shows a scientist conducting computerised tests to determine the 'DNA' of the car. He discovers the secret ingredient that makes every Audi special, and is seen inputting your name into various clinical tests. The final shot of the film shows DNA slides from both the car and human tests coming together. And your name appears on a DNA sequence strip.You are indeed "the perfect match" for the new Audi A3 Sportback. And, when you send the movie to a friend their name appears in the movie. More surprising, a couple of days later a mail pack from Audi arrives on your doormat with your "test" results, and the DNA slide personalised with your name.
The Audi launch was so successful that the email open rate was above 50%, over 65,000 views of the film were recorded and over 50% of viewers of the film forwarded it to a friend.The unique internet film and direct mail approach was adopted by Audi Head Office as Global Best Marketing Practice with interest in roll-out in territories as diverse as the USA, South Africa and Australia.
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