Industry Craft > Integrated


FP7/CAI, Cairo / COCA-COLA / 2017

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Rooted in this unspoken truth, our idea flourished when Coca-Cola decided to highlight a worrying observation. How were Egyptians wearing other countries’ jerseys and not their own? As silly as it seemed, as indicative as it was to Egyptians’ apathy. We needed to wake Egyptians up. It was time to start wearing our jerseys again. Our message was simple, if you’re really Egyptian, you won’t wear another jersey, give us any other jersey you have, and we’ll replace it with an Egyptian one. Be it authentic or fake, any jersey could be replaced with Coca-Cola. The initiative would be a win win for all, as our consumers got their new jerseys and the collected old ones would be recycled into duvets for the homeless to use in rural areas in the Delta region.


Our campaign began with a docu-drama launched on social media highlighting our key insight and calling Egyptians out with the message, “If you’re really an Egyptian, you won’t wear another jersey!” Featuring key football stakeholders like renowned coaches, older star players, popular commentators, our entire cast were authorities on Egyptian football. Coming together to request one simple jersey change.

Our campaign continued aggressively on ground as we set up over 100 different redemption centers across the country whereby people could exchange their jerseys. Coke trucks circulated major cities calling for the exchange of jerseys, and distributing duvets to the needy that were produced from the foreign jerseys collected.

Our idea traveled in store as well, as we produced limited edition bottles with double sleeves. The outer sleeve, designed like foreign jerseys, could be torn off to reveal the actual bottle design, that of our red Egyptian jersey.


The campaign successfully distributed over 100,000 Coca-Cola Egypt jerseys and in result produced 1,000 duvets for the homeless this winter. Online, the campaign reached 40 million users and was shared by over 20 different online publications for free. Influencers, celebrities and opinion leaders all over the country shared the campaign and participated by using our hashtag to show off their own new Coke jerseys that they had exchanged in support of the initiative. Prime time TV shows featured our campaign and interviewed Coke’s Brand Manager live to help promote the initiative, achieving over $50,000 in earned media.


Despite the fact that Coca-Cola was NOT the sponsor of the African Cup and was NOT endorsing any star players, it somehow managed to hijack the event by being everywhere Egyptian fans were. On the streets and in stores with special edition bottles, redemption centers and circling trucks all over the country pushing for engagement. The call to action and dialogue took place online where Egyptians were able to share the initiative with friends and followers, making it a trending topic. TV and Outdoors sealed the deal making the campaign a nation wide movement in support of its national team.


With competition (Pepsi) being the main sponsor of the event and most of its star players, Coca-Cola needed to work on what it owned, The Egyptian Fan.

For Coca Cola, the brand that supported the Egyptian football fan for the last decade, this state of unenthusiasm was a crisis! Coke felt it had a responsibility towards its consumers. And with all brands across the country communicating the event (African Cup), we decided to stray away from the field, from the game and get closer to the emotion and the stifled pride in Egyptians. Our campaign wasn’t about football; it was about being proudly Egyptian.


Egypt’s national football team was on a lucky streak in the early 2000s as it successfully won three consecutive African Cups, making Egypt the leading African nation in football with seven titles overall. That was of course before the 2011 revolution.

With political instability came casualties to society at large and football was one of the sore losers, with a massacre taking place during a match in Port Said stadium in 2012. In the years to follow, our national team reflected the sentiment of the nation, defeated, demotivated, divided. Naturally the audiences’ attention drifted and shifted to international leagues. And as if orchestrated, our colors changed. The staple National Egyptian jersey in every closet, was slowly replaced with another. Our objective was to bring it back.