Film Craft > Film Craft


FP7/CAI, Cairo / ORANGE / 2018


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The music video features a bunch of old time, devout, Egyptian football fans singing in melancholic agony. Why? Because their team hasn’t qualified for the world cup in the last 28 years. Now, these senior fans, watching from intensive care units and in between popping meds, have one wish only, to see their team play in the world cup one final time! The darkly comedic musical is a dedication to the national team; a plea and a threat all at the same time. The message, it’s now or never.


Egypt hasn't qualified for the world cup in 28 years. A very frustrating 28 years! Every 4 years our hopes rise, only to be shattered with lame excuses. We've blamed everything from referees to the weather for our team's failure. The one consolation to the nation is, "there's always a next time".

But orange knew that excuses could only get us so far, the team needed to feel the pressure. The brand wanted the team to feel like there was no "next time". It was this time that mattered! Egypt needed a boost, Egyptians deserved one thing to be happy about, and football was always the answer.


The message of this film is a fine balance, as many dark comedies are. It can go either way. The two most important elements were the visual, that was meant to cover the “dark” part, and the song itself, that was needed to rescue the “comedy” part! The comedy itself would come to life in the absurdity of the two elements coming together. Dying men, in dark gloom, RAPPING about football. In choosing rap, the creators of the film intentionally decided to go with an unexpected extreme, a genre that would obviously clash with the visual, a genre that would sit uncomfortably with 90-year-old men in their last days, but a genre that would help make the visual richer, deeper and oh so very silly!