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SGAD+, Shanghai / FOTILE / 2018

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In the story, a mom wrote a fairy tale to change the world, but finally she realized it was only her day-dreaming while washing dishes. Actually, her dream of being a writer in real life is crashed by the limitation of her personal time. At the end of the film, we made Fotile dishwasher a time machine that could bring 10,000 wasted hours back to every Chinese moms, so that they had chance to chase and realize their dreams by contacting Fotile Charity Fund of Moms’ Dreams.


Chinese moms are the busiest moms in the world. At work, they are facing the same tremendous pressure as men do. At home, unfortunately they have to bear long-hours of housework alone. Most of women are not available to do what they like after being moms and gradually forget their dreams. With a simple calculation, we found that a Chinese mom wasted more than 10,000 hours on dish washing within 30 years on average. How can we stand out for their dreams, and inspire them more about the possibility of 10,000 hours?


Mom’s Time Machine STORYBOARD

OPENING?With a historical video and a recording of the UN Secretary General’s speech, that a book was sent to the outer space as the most precious gifts of humankind.

?PICTURE?Some material of a set of documentary historical image+rocket launching+the detector file in the deep space?

The Voice of Secretary General of the United Nations : As the secretary general of the United Nations, I sent greetings on behalf of people on our planet with the most precious gifts. It records our appearance, our life, our feeling and art works.


SCIENCE FICTION AURHOR said?The “Voyager” detector carried the “Earth’s archives” and took a batch of masterpieces of mankind civilization to the universe as presents.At first, we has asked for the space agency to send more literary works, but in the end we almost can not select even one book. Eventually we select a fairy tale—?Mom`s time machine?, because it describes the most essential relationship of time and life.But the author of this book is neither a writer nor a scholar. She is a Chinese Mom named Fang XU YU.

?Camera changes to the home of THE LITERARY CRITICS, tells the amazing of the book in a interview.?

The SUPER of Literature Critics?Xiaobo Ma Lifetime Syndic of Literature Critics, Inc.

The Literature Critics said? Coveney's ?The Arrow of Time??Hawking's ?A Brief History of Time??Ted Chiang's ?Arrival?. We have always been led to believe that time is linear, that it is cold and ruthless, irreversible like destiny.Until this book came along.

?Camera changes to a painter talks about the book.?

Picture: First we see the art gallery and then we see the painter talks about the book.The background is a book wall and the center of it hangs a contemporary abstract painting hangs . The painter regards the book as the source of inspiration.

The painter said?Ellini Esposito Painter of ?Beauty of Time?Trilogy

VO OF Painter?After finishing?Mom`s time machine?, my mind is totally empty. Very soon is filled with the picture—the color, shape and gradation of time.

?Camera changes to the home of THE LITERARY CRITICS again.?

The Literature Critics said: The author of this book is not Fang Xuyu, but time itself. Masquerading as a Chinese housewife, time itself wrote the fairytale Mom's Time Machine.

?Picture: First the scenery shot-the material: location of the institute and then we see a physicist talks about the book. Camera changes to The physicist talks about the book in front of the university classroom’s blackboard.?

The SUPER of the physicist: Césaire Foch Director of France High Energy Physics Institute

The physicist said? Who can imagine that God hid the answer of most difficult physics problem into a fairy tale?You perceive that only imagination transcend the limits of the conditions of experimentation.

?Picture: First the materials of location shooting out-United Nations Headquarters, and then we see the leader of a woman’s group talking about the book.?

The leader of “Women`s Future Movement" said? ?Mom's Time Machine? shows the world there are endless possibilities for women.Becoming a mom doesn't mean giving up self-awareness. At last we realize the basic problem for gender equality is time and how we use it.

?Picture: A science fiction author talks about his feelings.?

The Science Fiction Author said? I don't mind this work winning so many science fiction awards.What amazes me though, is that she was...she used only an hour, a fragment of time.

?Camera changes to the Painter?

Picture: The painter talks about the enlightenment of his creativity by the Mom and cuts to some materials of modern abstract paintings.

The Painter said?She's writing one hour a day. The other part of the time, she's in her thoughts.

?Camera changes to the Literary Critics?

The Literary Critics said: She tells us that time can be created, and all of a sudden we feel as if we're set free from a giant cage.

?Camera changes to the leader of a woman’s group?

The leader of a woman’s group said: Not only are the words she wrote,but the way she writes enlightens us.

?Camera changes to the SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR?

The Science Fiction Author said? She was able to write a fabulous story. I mean, it's really quite amazing, quite incredible.

?Camera changes to the Literary Critics?

The Literary Critics said?Some ideas belong to mankind as a whole, but still, this gift, is a gift from China. A gift from China.

?Camera changes to the leader of a woman’s group?

The leader of a woman’s group said: They all have rights to own and control their time. They can feel and dream and be themselves. Thank you Lady Fang.

?Picture: Various gratitude shots and stops at blank screen. The emblem of the United Nations appears+Super: tThe lifetime achievement of the world culture development awards.?

Science Fiction Author?Thanks, Lady Fang

Literary Critics?Looking forward to your next work

Physicist?Thanks for the enlightenment you bring to us

Painter?Thanks the inspiration you give me

PART 2 Turn?The feature film ends, back to the scene of the world culture development awards and the daydream wakes up at the grand climax.

?Picture: Lights turn on, the camera opens, the audience applause. All the images is a video on the big screen. At this moment, the host debuts and opens the envelop to invite Mom come to the stage.?

The Host?Thanks for bring this great book to the world! Next, let’s welcome the winner of the lifetime achievement of the world culture development awards—Lady Fang Xu Yu!

?Picture: Mom stands up from the auditorium and walks up to the host and then shake hands.?

The Host?Hello, Lady Fang.

Mom gets on the rostrum and said?Thanks Simon, thank you so much!

?Picture: The host gives audience the tip to be quiet, submit the << Mom’s Time Machine >> to her and invites her to read one part of the book.?

The Host?About <>, we still have a big dispute—which passage in the book can most represent your feeling of time?

?Picture: Mom takes over the book, opens it on the stage and prepares to read one sentence of it. When the book is open, Mom suddenly is frozen. Her facial expression turns from calm to unexpected and then to unbelievable. ?

Mom said?I think, I would like to share the first line I wrote in the book to you, because…because...

?Picture: Her finger turns over the book confusedly, but every page is blank. She appears incredible expression, looks at the audience and the audience also feel confused about his performance. Meanwhile, the dream of Mom begins to collapse and when she bends her head to read the book . Only to find that She takes her plate and the podium changes to the sink. After that, zoom out to the real-life scene. Actually, Mom does the dishes as stares blankly… ?

PART 3 ENDING: Bring back to reality from daydream, Fotile dish-washer encourages you to keep the dream.

?Picture?At this point, the dream ends, Mom is back into her concentration and looks at dishes in her hand and the basin.?

The VO of man with regret?

This dream is really adorable. Yet, you still have plenty of dishes to wash.

This book will be incredible. Unfortunately, you haven’t had time to it ever.

Wait a minute. I think I can make you some time.

What if you leave your dirty dishes?fruits and vegetables to me.

Dare you go and write the first line of words now, and continue you dream?

Make time for dreams. It’s FOTILE dishwasher. It’s mom’s time machine.

Wait a minute. I think I can make you some time.

What if you leave your dirty dishes?fruits and vegetables to me.

Dare you go and write the first line of words now, and continue you dream?

Make time for dreams. It’s FOTILE dishwasher. It’s mom’s time machine.

?Picture?Fotile dish-washer works in the kitchen. In the other room, Mum opens the pen cap and writes the first line.?


Chinese moms waste more than 10,000 hours on dish-washing in 30 years.

Contact Fotile Charity Fund of Moms’Dreams to save 10,000 hours for your dream.

Ending Cut?The icon of Mom's Time Machine

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