Health and Wellness > Health Awareness & Advocacy



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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

The works of art created were displayed in exhibitions across the city, where thousands of visitors and art enthusiasts took notice and were taken by surprise when they realized what they were actually looking at. This is what makes this work relevant to the direct category.

Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including:

Healthcare communication is not taken very seriously in Dubai. Posters with vital information about how to prevent diseases have been the same for decades. They no longer grab the attention of the people who tend to be more drawn towards artistic expressions and experiences that are more culturally elevating.

Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness?

The percentage of people in Dubai, who are aware of the deadly germs seen across the region, is miniscule. Even the few who are aware, don't realize that all it takes to prevent these germs and the life threatening diseases caused by them, is ensuring a few good hygiene habits.

As love for art is growing year after year for the people of this city, we chose art as our medium. This activation captures their attention like no preventive medical communication ever has before, and offers them vital information about germs and how to prevent them, that could save their lives in the long run.


Preventive medical communication has been the same for decades. Having slowly moved into a blind spot. Since 2012, more art galleries and exhibition centres have opened in Dubai than anywhere else in the region. Making this city the art and culture capital of the Middle East. While most health-related posters go unnoticed, a work of art never fails to make the people of Dubai stop in their tracks. We needed to grab the attention of an audience that cared more about art than their own health.

Describe the creative idea

We infiltrated some of the most popular art exhibitions in the city and added some of our own masterpieces that looked like the work of fine artists. But were actually recreated microscopic images of deadly germs that caused some of the most common diseases in the region. Each piece spread awareness about the diseases caused by the germs and how simple hygiene habits could prevent them. Seeding an infectious idea that helps prevent infections.

Describe the strategy

As our objective was to target an audience that was becoming more and more conscious about how they live, what they eat, what their social perception is, and even how they choose to spend their free time, we know that art exhibitions were the perfect way to reach out to them. Visiting fine art exhibitions is a matter of being perceived as cultured for the people of Dubai. So we choose to infiltrate some of the most popular art exhibitions and galleries where our masterpieces could make an impact that would last long enough to take better hygiene habits more seriously.

Describe the execution

When seen under the microscope, deadly bacteria and viruses look like ordinary germs. These images have been used so often over the last few decades that they are no longer perceived as threats. But rather as medical imagery that is unimpressive, to say the least.

Although, when looked out of context, one could easily mistake images of these germs for contemporary art. So we recreated these microscopic images and turned them into posters that looked like masterpieces created by contemporary artists.

These posters were then displayed at art exhibitions across Dubai where they seamlessly blended into the displayed collections. Each piece even had an abstract title to add to the artistic appeal. Only when one read further to learn about the artist and his inspiration, they realized that these were in fact recreated images of germs spreading awareness about how to prevent the diseases they can cause.

List the results

• 23% increase in visits to

• Over 1000 visitors experienced the pieces across 5 art exhibitions

• Some even inquired about buying the pieces

• Talks are in progress with Louvre Abu Dhabi to make one of the pieces a part of their permanent collection

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