Pharma > Product or Service Promotion
Write a short summary of what happens in the film.
A woman named Claire is sitting in a doctor's office when she is given the grave news that she has advanced stage cancer. There, the director takes us through the very real human emotions of evaluating the time we all spend on this earth. In this spot, we are instantly transported through vignettes of Claire as a child and taken through all her cherished memories and hardships to understand that this terrible moment she's going through could be all our moments. We then cut back to Claire in the doctor's office about to react to the news, but before we get to hear Claire we cut to black. The spot cuts to a VO letting the audience know that they too could be Claire and it's time for them to act so if they have advanced cancer, they can take the next step with Foundation One.
Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including:
This is a regulated product.
Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them.
Our target audience are patients with advanced cancer. The product advertised is genomic profiling that patients can request to help their doctor connect them with personalized treatment options.
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