Design > Brand Environment & Experience Design




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Showing every non-smart driver who is going around looking for a parking space, how good it feels when suddenly, there’s more room for you in the city. That’s how it feels to own a smart, once you have to park it.


We created two cars that shrink in real time. They were placed for two days in 2 of the busiest areas in the city. There’s a parking space in between them, and once a non-smart driver tries park, we increase the available space by shrinking our cars. The action was experienced live, and filmed to be shared online.


230 drivers impacted on spot.

3.5 Million views –(60% of Portugal’s web users universe).

12.5 Million impressions.

2500% increase on smart’s facebook interactions (first 72 hours).

648% increase on smart’s social network followers (first 72 hours).

70k visit to site.

846 direct leads.


Giving smart’s perception a new boost to smart and non-smart owners, by shifting the product’s benefit from a rational proposition (smart fortwo is a very small car that must be easy to park) to a more emotional one (smart changes the scale of the city and this feels great) by giving non-smart drivers the experience, instead of only the information.


smart has growing competition within the segment of small cars,and was loosing market share and brand awareness. The brief was to promote smart’s brand assets in a close, fun way, as the best solution for urban parking&mobility, reminding drivers that it’s a car that changes the perception of space in the city you live in. The overall budget for the Project was 50.000€, to impact the locals, and spread the message to the entire country through digital & earned media.