Print and Publishing > Print & Publishing: Sectors


HORIZON FCB, Dubai / DHL / 2024


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Print & Publishing?

Our print ads bring the extensiveness of DHL's delivery network to the intimate space of the reader’s hands.

Anyone flipping through the pages would be immediately struck by the attention grabbing image of a DHL delivery in a remote landscape. It’s unexpected, it’s bold, and it’s deeply human.

Our print ads don't just tell you what DHL does; they document of 3 deliveries that happened, turning a print campaign into a true story that can be tracked using the Tracking ID numbers on the print, discovering that no matter where you need something sent, DHL will find a way.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

We came to the discovery that 45% of people in the world live in extremely remote locations. Yet even these people want to have things delivered to their homes.

These ads are about connecting people from all over the world, no matter where they live. We picked locations that aren’t just postcard-pretty, but places where people live and where DHL delivers.

From the deserts to lush forests and mountain tops, we celebrated each place's uniqueness and DHL's role in bringing them closer at a time when feeling connected matters more than ever.


Situation: With 45% of people still living in remote locations around the world, many of them still want deliveries sent to their homes.

Brief: Illustrate DHL's unparalleled delivery speed, reliability and extensive reach of their network.

Our objective was to reinforce brand perception and brand love, showcase service inclusivity, and reinforce global presence by showing that no matter where you need something delivered, we will get it there no matter how.

Describe the Impact:

The prints weren’t just noticed; they changed the conversation. Seeing DHL's promise made tangible altered how readers saw delivery services – no longer distant, but accessible.

This shifted the brand perception from a more business-to-business perspective to a universally inclusive, challenging and changing the mindset.

We wanted this campaign to be an ode to all the noble efforts made by DHL to deliver in every corner of the world with no exceptions. And we wanted to showcase that in the same actual landscape that each visual is depicting.

Because there is no better way to prove our dedication and commitment than by showing it.