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Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Print & Publishing?

This campaign ran as a tradition print campaign in all its glory - a perfect medium to bring focus to the beauty of the idea and art direction while also keeping in mind the audience at hand - politicians, the people we're after to buy the pillows, and the few remaining that are subscribed to traditional mailing of physical print.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

We needed to sell a product made for the few under a brand known to make better sleep accessible for the many. The strategy was simple. In line with bettering the sleep of the many, we went after the few – they are the ones who couldn’t afford our product after all. And from there, politics seemed like a natural choice. The politics of sleep is a well-documented, and often romanticized phenomenon. It was time for us to hold those in charge accountable, and provide a solution that allows them to sleep well where it matters the most: the bedroom.


Globally, sleep is in decline. As a leading retailer specializing in the sleep business, there was an added weight of needing to sell our pillows, which come at a hefty price tag during an economic downturn, and a budget of just under $5,000. We needed to drive sales, and fast. Our goal was to emphasise the importance of quality sleep off the job for enhanced productivity on the job. And while workplace attentiveness is a universal concern, we needed to align it with our brand ethos—catering to the many, not just a few. It is through this lens that we decided to go on a political route as the decisions made by politicians (the few), if made with low attention and fatigue, affect the many, and reversed it through our product – a product for the few, to inspire better decision making for the many.

Describe the Impact:

Media budget of $5,000

3.2 Million Impressions Online

2.8 Million Video Views

33% Increase of Pillow Sales

12% Increase of other product Sales

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