Film Craft > Production

C4 IDENTS 2023

ART PRACTICE, London / CHANNEL 4 / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Demo Film
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Why is this work relevant for Film Craft?

The concept was written to harness all forms of film craft whether it be captured as a shot element, realised as animation or created in CGI. The idea encourages contrast and diversity both in execution and in authorship and brings those disparate elements together as a rich and hypnotic visual tapestry. It allows multiple voices, textures, themes, sounds, locations, orientation, scale or anything else that creates variety. Film craft was at the heart of planning, designing and achieving this unique and ambitious project. The collaboration between the crafts people and makers in all departments was essential to its success.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Channel 4 was formed as a platform for alternative and unheard voices. Since its conception, Channel 4 programming and films have featured underrepresented cultures, discussed taboo topics and created a space for minority and marginalised factions in British society. As an example, its groundbreaking coverage and support of the Paralympics has not only elevated the movement in the UK but has had an impact on Para Sport that has changed perceptions globally. In addition to the values that it was built on, the channel has always been recognised as a flag bearer for British creativity. The incredible heritage of the idents extends back to its launch in 1982. These highly evocative and engaging visual excerpts form the heart and soul of the channel. Past idents have involved some of the most celebrated British creatives and directors and are much revered by the British public.

This new set of idents was tasked with reigniting the national love for Channel 4 in an ever expanding landscape of broadcasters and global streamers. These films had to be the cinematic partner to a recent re-brand of the channel which included reinstating the iconic Channel 4 logo at its centre. They had to represent a diverse and modern Britain, uphold the high creative standards of 4 while reflecting the channel values and brand positioning of ‘Altogether Different’. The result is a hugely ambitious portrait of an altogether different UK.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film.

Twenty five individual and contrasting scenes are held together in a continuous looping system which uses the iconic Channel 4 logo as the guiding device. With each seamless revolution a new scene, representative of Modern Britain, appears with another physical ‘4’ positioned at the centre of the environment. Action and performance play out, the camera never stopping. It continues on the same Fibonacci Spiral-like arc and moves on and into another world. Different scales and orientations of the camera capture unique perspectives of the incoming scenes. We move between microscopic worlds and vast open, remote spaces. Time is frozen on a night out and intersects with the high energy of unrest. Each segment has its own soundscape and acoustic treatment. An original piece of writing is voiced over the film, not a word for word accompaniment but a comment on a modern and more hopeful vision of Britain for now.


In 2023 C4 launched a new rebrand. Most significantly they brought back the iconic 4 mark. The previous ‘anti-brand' identity presented a deconstructed 4 that had reduced comprehension in a world where multinational streaming platforms hold court. They needed to re-define their identity in this competitive space.

They commissioned a set of Idents with the brief to put the iconic ‘4’ back at the heart of the visuals, connect it to the rebrand and articulate the spirit of ’Altogether Different’, the longline that speaks of their core values. The 4 should act as a guide and lead the viewer through the 4 universe. The idents must be fit for purpose and allow for continuity VO.

We wrote a concept that created a diverse portrait of modern Britain held together by a visual language, a system where 25 wholly different scenes contrast and intersect, yet sit altogether in perfect, hypnotic unity.

Tell the jury anything relevant about the direction. Do not name the director.

The direction was carried out by a group of seventeen contributors. This contrasting group was made up of traditional directors, new directors that had yet to make any work, fine artists, photographers, animators and CG artists. The group was a diverse mix of different races, genders, sexual orientation and ages. Each contributor authored the idea that they directed. The intention was to create disparity within the set and to present contrasting images and voices, all harnessed together in a universe that was representative of Channel 4.

The film was shot across 4 studio and 4 location days and uses motion-control to capture the unique camera arc.

The concept was conceived and written by one of the directors. Together with one other, they curated the group, assisted in the craft, helping access the techniques and creatively directed across all of the scenes. This complex process took over 10 months to complete.

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