Entertainment > Talent


OMD, New York / PEPSICO / 2016


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Partnering directly with the EMPIRE Executive Producers and Writers, we created a 3-episode Pepsi arc that blended fiction and reality throughout the EMPIRE storyline, characters and music both in-show -- and in real life.

Through creative talent negotiations and thoughtful scripting, we positioned the character of Jamal as the rising music talent featured within our Pepsi commercial, and EMPIRE Creator and Executive Producer, Lee Daniels, as its Director. This unfolded within the plotline of EMPIRE, and was mirrored by a real-life deal in which Lee Daniels directed and produced an original Pepsi commercial featuring entertainer, Jussie Smollett, that debuted during the show’s mid-season finale.

The narrative was amplified by powerful in-show moments featuring Jamal collaborating with his feuding parents to create a literal and figurative harmony that resulted in the creation of the perfect song for the Pepsi campaign.


Over three episodes, fans watched as Jamal Lyon wrote an original song to become the star of Pepsi’s ad campaign, directed in-show and in real life by Lee Daniels. At the same time Pepsi engaged fans outside of show with exclusive social content.

#208: In-show, Jamal’s new song, “Ready to Go,” won him a place within Pepsi’s roster of talent. In real life, Pepsi forged a partnership with Jussie Smollett, with iTunes releasing the Swizz Beats-produced song as “Ready to Go–Pepsi”–placing Pepsi directly on fan playlists.

#209: Daniels made a first-ever cameo as himself, directing Jamal’s Pepsi commercial. In real life, Pepsi partnered with Daniels to create and direct the actual commercial.

#210: In-show Jamal premiered his “Pepsi commercial”, which cut directly to the 60-second spot airing on FOX as if it was part of the show. The episode resumed with positive reactions to Jamal’s new superstardom.


The Pepsi + EMPIRE “meta” story was a success.

Pepsi reinforced its role within the pop culture zeitgeist -- breaking the interruptive model of 30-second commercials and replacing it with an authentic brand role that elevated the music talent and enhanced the story.

The partnership delivered +4.7 lift in Pepsi Sales. We also saw significant increases across key Brand metrics, including a 245% increase in Likeability, 207% increase in in Message Memorability and 60% increase in Brand association (vs. Beverage Category norms).

Fans, Celebrities and the Industry also took notice. We drove a cross-cultural conversation, generating a 3000% increase in social conversation with EMPIRE fans tweeting about Pepsi. We also delivered over 1.4 Billion press impressions, equating to $28MM+ in advertising value, with positive press pickup across multiple outlets including Rolling Stone, Billboard, Ad Age, WSJ, Entertainment Weekly, Variety and Bloomberg Businessweek.


Pepsi and EMPIRE developed an authentic, fiction-meets-reality partnership that permeated both the cast and plotline of the show to completely blur the lines between brand and entertainment. By intentionally challenging traditional approaches to talent deals, content, integration, media and music, we created an inimitable brand story filled with surprise reveals for fans. This approach made viewers question whether what they were experiencing was a part of EMPIRE or happening in real life, and ultimately, generated excitement, conversation and brand impact for Pepsi.


We aligned Pepsi, the biggest brand in pop culture with Empire, the biggest show on television.

The Empire writers take pride in flawlessly blending fictionalized stories that intersect with the real world: breaking characters within the show into real-life artists, and featuring real-life pop stars acting in-character.

The same art-imitates-life intersection applies for the brands showcased on EMPIRE. It was imperative that any brand written into the show would become a character that helped move the storyline forward.

To ensure Pepsi remained authentic for fans, we deviated from the tried-and-true integration formula that traditional integrations rely on. Rather than act as a standard broadcast sponsor, we wanted Pepsi to be the catalyst that elevated the music talent to new heights in show and within their real-life careers.

We carried the fiction-meets-reality thematic across all partnership touchpoints, harnessing fan passion for EMPIRE, the music, and the characters they love to support.


From Michael Jackson to Beyoncé, Pepsi has been at the heart of music culture for decades. To remain relevant in consumers' lives, the brand needs to maintain that positioning. But with carbonated beverage consumption down, and so many more brands playing in the music space, it’s a challenge to remain at the forefront of pop culture and connect with fans.

Pepsi’s advantage is that very few brands can claim to have an authentic voice in music, and even fewer have the historical credibility within the space.

As a brand that celebrates exploration and discovery, Pepsi has partnered with emerging artists on their journey to become superstars, and given the superstars a global platform to elevate them to icon status.

To secure our place in pop culture history, we wanted to create a breakthrough idea that re-inspired fan engagement and excitement around Pepsi’s legacy in music.

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