Creative Data > Creative Data


LAPIZ, Chicago / ALLSTATE / 2015


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
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Case Film
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During the World Cup, Allstate Insurance wanted to prove that bad luck can

strike anywhere, even with the most prepared teams and experienced

professional players.

The objective was primarily to generate relevance for the brand, and for that we

used an insurance decision driver: The feeling that bad things can happen


Second, the goal was to broaden the brand's social media, which was done with

an interactive, engaging experience that was only possible with a strategy

designed by data.


At the final game of the World Cup we already had a bigger base of

fans/BadLuck Senders (almost 1,000 new fans per day) and we used the

polarized environment that already existed for the big final game. The audience

of the Internet was already divided between Argentina or Germany.

We used this base and this behavior to direct people to a video where now they,

and not our character, would decide who would have the bad luck by having a

Black Cat step in front of the opposing team's flag and lose the World Cup.

The engagement was so high that the users exceeded the boundaries of our

main target and we were able to share our content organically through followers

from the 5 continents.

We were able to reach 5 times the trend topics, grow our Twitter channel 75%

and generate +1265% more engagement on this social Media. On Facebook, the

growth of fans was up 20% and we had 569% more engagement.


We started with a data-driven strategy using target segmentation considering

communities and influencers among Hispanics in the United States (our main

target) with two main behaviors:

a) supporters/soccer fans of one specific national team

b) at the same time, people that don't like one or more

than one specific national team.

The message of the campaign was targeted considering this cross-reference. For

example, if one was a Brazil fan, we would invite him/her to participate in sending

Bad Luck to Cameroon during the game Brazil v Cameroon. At the same time we

targeted the same person during Argentina v Serbia, because we knew of the

rivalry between Brazil and Argentina or France, considering that Brazil have

always had bad luck with this team in the World Cup.

During the games, the reaction of what happened on the field was done in real

time, mentioning the users that asked for Bad Luck for a specific team. In turn,

the users responded sharing the content and amplifying the message.


The use of data was getting more and more tailored after each round of the

World Cup, using different tools to track and map behaviors, trends and audience

of the games with specific targets. This data also helped us to impact more fans

with our campaign: Banners, online videos and of course the content generated

after the games as well as videos of how Bad Luck happened with the players,

memes and gifs about everything that went wrong in the game.

Game-by-game, we used analytics, tracked hashtags, comments and the

demographic growth of fans to identify their preferences for a specific player or

team, to not only design the media and PR strategy, but also the message. For

example, after the first game between USA and Ghana, we noticed that the

interest in the US national team was rising and then we started to focus on this

group and tailor the messages about the USA and their rivals for a place in the

Quarter Finals.

Throughout the whole competition, data also proved that the role of mobile

started to increase which led to a relocation of investment and made us to make

the messages adequate. This helped the campaign achieve a return of 44%

above the investment only with earned media through data.

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